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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Manectric ex (Deoxys)
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.5
Modified: 3.9
Limited: 3.66
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Manectric ex
For a lightning and a colorless, Disconnect can be one of
the most devastating attacks in the game. Often, when
Disconnect beats your opponent's Rare Candy, you will win
yourself the game. Combined with the right stadium,
Disconnect lets you lock Cursed Stone, Battle Frontier, or
any other game-winning card in play.
It's Mega Shot attack works best when you can get a non
lightning on it, allowing you to take out a Wartortle, and
various other Stage1 Pokemon on the second or third turn of
the game, then follow up with a Disconnect.
Fighting weakness hurts, but metal resistance helps against
all the delta evolutions.
Modified: 4/5
In unlimited, relying on attacks like Disconnect doesn't
work. Eventually you'll flip tails against a Cleffa and get
ran over. 2/5

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Manectric ex (Deoxys)
Modified (DX-on): 4/5 - no non-Supporter trainers still hurts a
lot - especially with all the new stadiums and Rare Candy still
being a big factor. With proper manipulation cards, like Pokemon
Reversals or Energy Removal 2's, or POW! Hand Extension, this
works really well with Mew ex from Legend Maker.

Joker Boi |
Magnetric ex~Finally we get to review some cards! I
think it is neat that we get to review cards from Ness'
winning decklist. I played this deck at a regionals but
his deck is WAY more simple then the one I played. The
First card is Magnetric I would say Magnetric is the key
pokemon to this deck. Without him what would mew do?
First off the main thing that made this deck so
successful in the first place is Disconnect 40 and NO
TRAINERS for 2 energy is insane but then you think about
well they can still play supporters. The main supporters
played in the modern format today are Holon trainers and
they are all ran on a card called Holon Transciever
which is probably the best trainer in the game. It also
puts in a stadium lock on your opponent and there are
plenty of other trainers they might use. Megashot is the
snipping attack it is no mudslide but it works it can be
really annoying when your opponent is hitting your bench
for 80 every other turn. Manetric can hold its own in
battle also but I would rather have it sitting pretty on
the bench
Modified 4/5 Limited 4/5 Unlimited 1/5
Computer Guy |
From the deck that took the World Championships comes
Manectric ex from Deoxys.
Manectric ex is a very good card when combined in the
deck called Mewtric. Manectric ex by itself has good
stats and good attacks and when its put into this deck
you can see why its such a useful card.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 3/5

Muk Man |
Today's Key Card In
Ness' Championship Deck ...Manetric Ex From Deoxys
The Foundation Of the Deck Is Manetric Ex. You Can Run
the deck without Mew ex, But you Cant run it with Out
"Manny". His First attack, Disconnect is what makes the
deck so powerful. Without the use of trainers,and
stadiums, the biggest decks in the meta-game seem to
grind to a slow crawl, while you continue to punish them
with Psychic Damage. Mega Shot, a High Damage, low cost
attack, does 80 to any pokemon in the game, so you can
deliver that final blow to your opponents active, or
take out the big hitter your opponent is trying to build
on the bench. With one retreat cost, he is a great all
around Card. His fighting weakness keeps him in check.
Modified 3/5 (As an ex with low HP at 100. A fighting
weakness, is a serious threat, because a basic fighting
can pokemon can dish out 50 damage, and cost you 2
prizes.) Plus Queendom was still a Tier 1 deck
Limited 4/5 (Because of his fighting weakness, the
lunatone-solrock combo, and Whiscash hitting him hard,
he is 1 point from perfect. )
Current ebay Value $18 (plus or minus $2 dollars)
~Muk Man~