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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mew ex
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Mew ex (Legend Maker)
Modified (DX-on): 4/5 - I don't think Mew ex is extremely broken
or unbeatable. However, it's still very powerful. Its Poke-Body
allows Mew ex LM to copy any attack on the field, provided you
have the appropriate Energies. With Holon's Electrode or Holon's
Magneton, this is easily accomplished.

Joker Boi |
Mew ex: I love this card it is so versatile probably one
of the best cards out there right now, only if I could
get my hands on one for now I will just keep it short by
saying. When you play mew ex you MUST think carefully
there is always something you can do and you can do
something your opponent would never expect with this
card almost ALWAYS.
Modified 5/5 Limited 5/5 Unlimited 3/5
DarkJake |
Mew ex (LM)
It's difficult to rate this card in an unbiased manner,
considering it just won worlds. Let's start with the
stats. 90 HP, average, now that Desert Ruins is being
rotated, it might as well have had more. 1 retreat cost…ehh
considering this guy is a little levitating cream-puff;
it could've had a free retreat, although no point in
breaking it even more. The psychic type is ok, there are
some popular psy-weak Pokémon (Egg δ, Ariados…Mew ex,
etc.) Weakness to psy, also typical. Now from first
glance Mew ex can't actually do any damage, and it's one
and only attack is seldom (if ever) used. But look
closer and you'll see that Mew ex, thanks to its body,
can actually use any attack printed on any Pokémon in
play, provided it has the correct energy. It is very
simple to achieve all of the multiple colors needed, via
Holon's Pokémon (Magneton, Electrode, or Castform) which
each provide 2 energy units of any color. Multi energy
is also used to pay for 1-energy-cost attacks. Obviously
one of the best combos with Mew ex is Manactric ex, use
disconnect until you win the game, mega shot when a
threat needs to be terminated, or other attacks as you
see fit. That's the beauty of Mew ex, you can play a
bunch of random basic Pokémon which you probably never
play even as techs because powering them up via regular
energy attachment is a pain, but Mew ex just needs that
Holon's and another energy to almost infinitely expand
its horizons.
Unlimited: I guess using everyone's attack is neat…but
being an ex isn't. 2/5
Modified: Points taken off for the rising popularity of
Cease Crystal (shuts of versatile), and because Mew ex
doesn't quite fit in every deck (contrary to popular
belief). 4.5/5
Limited: Pretty awesome…since this is draft you're gonna
play a bunch of different colored basic energies anyway,
and you might pull a few rainbows, using the attack of
your opponent's secret weapon makes this card
unbelievable in draft. 5/5
Computer Guy |
Mew ex from Ex Legend
This is one of the most broken ex's ever made. It can
fit into any deck and can even use your opponents
attacks. Absolutely an awesome card.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 5/5
Limited: 4/5