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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Arbok δ
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.66
Limited: 4.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Arbok d
Arbok is quite effective against Delta as it scores one hit
KO's on both the Raichu d and Exeggutor d. It's fire type
makes it effective against any modified deck that runs
Metagross d, as it one hit KO's that as well.
Still, against non Delta decks, Arbok is merely a Stage1
with weak attacks.
Modified: 3/5
You will rarely see delta Pokemon in unlimited. Hundreds of
better Stage1's exist.
Unlimited: 1/5
Strangle is very strong in limited, scoring you a OHKO on
almost any Pokemon your opponent will have out.
Limited: 5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Arbok d
Arbok is one of those typical stage 1s with mediocre
attacks. Poison + Burn for one energy is pretty nice, and 80
to a Delta Pokemon for 3 energy is above average. 80 HP is
nice, but Psychic weakness is lame.
Unlimted: 1/5
There are much better cards to use here.
Modified: 3/5
Someone actually almost beat Jason using this thing at our
last CC! It's actually really good TecH against Raichu/Eggs,
as it OHKOs everything in the deck for 3 energy. Decent card
Limited: 4/5
Very good here. Status is nice, and Strangle should OHKO
most of your opponents d Pokemon.
Espeon |
Arbok d:
Unlimited: 1/5
No? Not fast enough.
Modified: 2/5
It can do 3 for 80, but alot of other Pokemon can do 3
for 80 with a much easier cost to do so (Kingler d etc).
I don't see much use for it in very many decks.
Limited: 4/5
Wow, delta reigns here and 3 for 80 is awesome. Status
conditions are also awesome and it can easily be an
annoyer and a sweeper in this format.