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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewgong δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Dewgong d:
While it's Poke-Body seems useful in a format filled with
Delta Pokemon, it
really isn't. Not only is its weakness terrible, making
Metanite (Dragonite
d/Metagross d) easily able to OHKO it, but Delta (Raichu d/Exeggutor
usually runs Cessation Crystal, allowing them an easy OHKO.
Surge is an average attack, having a nice bonus of getting
+20 from any
Pokemon that has a Holon's Magneton/Electrode/Castform
attached to it, and
being a good attack for Boost Energy, but like I said, the
attack remains
Putting average attacks on a card with a bad weakness and
easily played
around Poke-Body leave you with nothing special.
Modified: 2/5
Again, don't expect to see Delta Pokemon in unlimited.
Compare Dewgong d to
Wigglytuff ex. Both have two attacks for identical energy
costs. The
difference is Wigglytuff ex's attacks can OHKO Cleffa for
two colorless, and
for three colorless, can hit for 90. Jungle Wigglytuff is
also a good
comparison. Dewgong d is simply a horrible stage1.
Unimited: 1/5
Dewgong d is a monster in limited. When most of your
opponent's Pokemon are
delta Pokemon, there's no way of turning it's Poke-Body off,
and Dewgong d
requires only colorless energy (making it fit in any deck),
you have one of
the best limited cards in the set.
Limited: 5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Dewgong d
This card was designed for limited. It's Poke-Body reduces
40 damage from all other Delta Pokemon. This is huge when
the entire metagame is based on weak Delta basics/stage 1s.
This cards not very strong in Unlimited and Modified though
Unlimited: 1/5
There are no Delta Pokemon here, so the Body's useless. The
attacks are too mediocre to be useful.
Modified: 2/5
It would be huge against Raichu/Eggs if there was no
Cessation Crystal around, but there is, so it's only decent
against it. The only other major Delta deck is Metadrag
which plays all lightning Pokemon, so you get OHKOed
Limited: 5/5
Probably the best card you can get in a DF pre-release. Most
Pokemon in your opponents deck wont even be able to damage
you. Should win you most games if your opponent doesn't have
a counter to it, such as a big electric Pokemon.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Dewgong delta
Modified 2/5 - With the uprising of delta decks, this card looks
extremely powerful defensively. However, look closer to the
metagame dominated by decks such as Banette ex/Houndoom and
Raichu d/Exeggutor d with Cessation Crystal, and you'll have
matchup problems. Its attacks are definitely on the weak side,
so trading blows isn't going to work.

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Dewgong from Dragon Frontiers
Dewgong is an anti-delta tank. His attacks are barley
average, but his body makes up for it. Delta Protection
reduces all damage by 40! That’s crazy!!! And at 80 hp
he can become beastly. Although he is no starter, he is
a god in limited.
Combos: Holon Legacy and sitrus berry or potion will
turn him into a tank!…against delta decks.
Modified: 2/5 With metagross and Dragonite everywhere,
even with holon legacy, he becomes meta-bait.
Limited: 5/5 every pokemon here is delta species, and
since most have low attacks. You should grab him if you
Current ebay Value: $2.55 (Plus or minus $1 dollars)
~Muk Man~
P.S. Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com

Raichu88 |
My name is Dewgong
I got Delta Protection
My opponents are Confused
You should see their reaction
Unlimited: No Delta here and it’s attacks are performed
better by other Pokemon.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Nice that it can block Delta but it’s too weak
to non Delta Pokemon.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Woow this thing owns here almost the entire set
is Delta. Watch out for Kirlia + Scramble.
Rating : 3/5