2006 World
Champion |
Gligar d:
While Gligar d can be annoying to your opponent at first,
the fact that it
doesn't evolve, and won't be doing much to get your setup
going make it
weak. It will not disrupt your opponent's set-up enough, and
since it isn't
helping you, your opponent will continue to Delta Draw,
Wishing Star, or
otherwise set-up.
Modified: 1.5/5
A horrible basic. The best basics in unlimited (Neo: Genesis
Murkrow, Jungle Scyther) have free retreats so you can
retreat for your Neo:
Genesis Cleffa and use Eeeeeeek turn one. They also have
superior attacks
and HP.
Unlimited: 1/5
Since you won't get many evolutions, having stronger basics
helps. Since
Gligar doesn't evolve, it has above average HP, and is a
decent addition to
decks. The fact that it only needs colorless energy makes it
versatile, but the bottom line is: the attacks are simply
Limited: 2/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Gligar d
Gligar is not a very good card. With only 60 HP and maxing
out at 20 damage + poision, he's not going to do much. There
are much better Pokemon out there.
Unlimited: 1/5
Gets OHKOed by almost everything, while doing nothing in
Modified: 1/5
Quite useless here too. Doesnt really help against any deck.
Limited: 1.5/5
I guess it can stall here which helps, but that's not going
to win you many games.