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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ledian δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.1
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Ledian δ
As a metal delta evolution, Ledian d's Power is shut off by
Battle Frontier
& Holon Legacy. The power definitely can help you run a
Stage2 smoothly
with Ledian, but its attack is overall quite weak. Drawing
three cards is
nice, but considering it's probably only going to last one
turn, it's not
going to get much done.
Modified: 3/5
If you want a card to help you set up, choose from Pidgeot
RG or one of
dozens of broken trainers like Computer Search, Professor
Oak, Oracle or
Fast Ball.
Unlimited: 1/5
While you may see Holon Legacy, it isn't much of a worry.
Ledian d can give
you a big advantage by allowing you to get one more
evolution out than your
opponent. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to pull a
Pokemon Tool, or
more importantly, a delta Rainbow Energy to allow you to
attack with it.
Since you probably will never attack with it, Ledian d
becomes used only for its power, which is weak.
Limited: 2/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Ledian delta
Modified 2/5 - It has a 1-time Poke-Power (yep, only good for
once when evolving to Ledian) to Quick Search, and it has a
mediocre 2 Energy attack that can let you draw 3 cards if you
have a Tool attached to it.
The catch is to evaluate how much those 3 cards can help you,
and whether or not you will use Ledian as one of your attackers
in the early going.
It is safe to say by turn 8 or turn 10 that if you still
couldn't get anything going, then drawing those 3 extra cards
may not help you, simply because you're too far behind, and you
will still very likely get overwhelmed even if you set up your
army now anyway.
Also, since Cessation Crystal limits Ledian delta's potential,
so the best tool I can think of is probably Cursed Powder.
Overall, I think investing 2 Energies on a weak attacker isn't
good, and investing a 2-2 line for it is even worse (for
instance, you can use this space for 2-2 Fearow delta).
Espeon |
Ledian d:
Unlimited: 1/5
Utterly useless.
Modified: 1.5/5
Not worth the deck space for a one time use power like
this. There are many better options.
Limited: 2/5
Card advantage is good here but you probably won't be
getting a metal energy or a tool to make its attack

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Ledian d
Ledian isn't very powerful for a stage 1. His Poke-Power
is pretty good. Getting any card from your deck at one
point can be a huge factor in winning; thats why Pidgeot
was so broken. Being a stage 1, having a weak attack,
and only being able to use the power once though makes
it a weak card.
Unlimited: 1/5
Most cards are going to get 1/5 here. You have to be
really broken to earn your points in Unlimited.
Modified: 1.5/5
Useful power, but the attack is too weak. 30 damage is
gunna get nowhere fast.
Limited: 3/5
Getting any one card can be a game breaker here. The
attack is amazing if you manage to pull a tool with it.