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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Strength Charm
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 3.1
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Definitely a strong card in modified. While most decks would
consider this a "luxury card," (that is, a card that isn't
bad - but would take up too important of a spot) it is
capable of winning you games. The element of surprise ten
damage adds can completely catch an opponent offguard and
single-handedly win you a game. It also works well with
decks that do damage quickly, allowing them a huge +10
damage to use to KO popular 50-60 HP basics.
Modified: 4.5/5
PlusPower is superior as you can attach as many as you wish.
Strength Charm
is simply your fifth PlusPower, as the only advantage is it
is a tool, but few or no cards exist that abuse or search
for tools that are also strong in
Unlimited: 1.5/5
In limited, attacks and damages will be very similar,
meaning an extra 10 damage can actually be significant at
numerous times during the game.
Limited: 4/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Strength Charm
Strength Charm is a pretty good card. It has the little
bonus that it can never HURT you by being in your deck. An
extra 10 damage in certain situations can be devastating.
Unlimited: 1/5
Run Pluspower instead of this
Modified: 4/5
A good card here. Like I said, 10 damage can be the
difference between winning and losing a game at times. Being
able to Castaway for it is also a nice little bonus.
Limited: 4/5
Play it if you pull it. 10 damage is always going to be
useful here.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Strength Charm
Modified 2/5 - This card's effectiveness is very deck-dependant.
The important HP/damage thresholds in one hit are probably 90,
100, 110, and 120. Thus, for decks like Scizor ex that deals 80
damage to Evolved Pokemon for 3 Energies, the extra 10 damage
means One-Hit KO on Banette ex. Nevertheless, there are better
trainer choices (such as Cursed Powder), so you have to be very
selective about which decks to include Strength Charm with.

Computer Guy |
Strength Charm
Strength Charm is purely situational. In some cases it
can win you a match and in others its a useless card in
your hand.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Strength Charm from Dragon
Here is another of the few tools that can be used by an
ex. Strength Charm allows you to add an additional 10
damage to your attack before weakness and resistance,
meaning that if the defending is weak he is taking an
additional 20 damage. But sadly in a format where most
pokemon are well out of OHKO range, an additional 10-20
damage boost for 1 turn only would not help very much,
just because you will have to attack a second time
anyway. If you have extra space, and your deck is pretty
consistent. It would be a nice tech.
Combos: Kingler with strength charm could hit for 90
damage, Quagsire also has the same attack. You can also
use it with Slowking UF to do more damage, then in the
discard it powers up his attack.
Modified: 2/5 Since most pokemon are not in ohko rage
even with strength charm, the space could be used for a
tool that isn’t required to be discarded.
Limited: 2/5 very situational, and since space is tight
in this format, I would recommend against it.
Current ebay Value: $.25 (Plus or minus $1 dollar)
~Muk Man~
P.S. Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com

Raichu88 |
My name is Strength
I’m a Tool that adds up 10
You can play me in your deck
To surprise you opponent now and then
Unlimited: Plus Power anyone?
Rating : 1/5
Modified: This thing is a really nice surprise factor to
your opponent. Especially in decks that don’t do enough
damage to the opponent, lets say a Pokemon does 40 and
needs 10 more to K.O your opponents Pokemon Strength
Charm will help you do that. Also it’s a big plus it can
be searched with Cast Away.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: This thing is nice here as you could do just
enough just on time.
Rating : 2.5/5