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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.5
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Stantler
from Unseen Forces
Wow! I wonder
where this came from…lol Anyway a very overlooked card,
because of his lack of a poke power, poke body, or heavy
damage potential. But if you look closer you will notice
what makes Stantler a “SUPER” card. His first attack
allows you to confuse your opponent (My Favorite Status
Condition) if they are evolved. Then there is Push Away,
“Push away is the only attack in the entire game that
allows you to look and chose to discard ANY TRAINER
without restrictions! Other attacks make you choose at
random, or shuffle back into deck. But the ability to
discard any trainer (which includes, fossils,
transceivers, stadiums, rare candies, tools and
supporters, for those who didn’t know) can really
cripple your opponent. I heard there was a pretty good
deck using Stantler…
Very Splashable, but combos very well with Mew ex (LM)
gives you a higher hp.
His low
hp, and a horrible fighting weakness keeps him average.
again, in a set where there are great evo lines he is
just average
(Plus or minus
$1 dollar)
~Muk Man~
Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions
or comments, send an email to

2006 World
Champion |
In modified, Push Away can be a sick attack, typically
used to take away a draw card, or a stadium from your
opponent. Doing so can put your opponent in a very
difficult situation, and often this is unpreventable to
Stantler works best in decks with Mew ex, as a lone
Stantler isn't going to do much, and Push Away is
generally a situational attack. Playing it with Mew ex
allows you to focus on other attacks, but keep Push Away
as an option.
Modified: 3.5/5
Lass & Rocket's Sneak Attack are much easier ways to
remove your opponent's trainers. Although neither
discard them, the speed of unlimited will often make the
game feel like you did, as they may never see that card
Unlimited: 1.5/5
A basic with decent HP, but its attacks are nothing
special. Screechy Voice
is weak because you'll be against basics often, and Push
Away is weak because your opponent will have very few
trainers - those they do they'll play immediately.
Limited: 3/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Stantler was a staple in "Mynx" last format. Mew copied
its Push Away attack to set your opponent up to lose
later on by nailing all of their stadiums/switch cards
to get out of the frontier/pow lock. It's not as
effective anymore though, as most of the key cards in
Mynx rotated out, such as Admin, POW, and Swoop
Unlimited: 2/5
For a Double Colorless, you can do 20 and almost always
knock a card out of your opponents hand, as most
Unlimited decks play 30+ trainers. This is really bad
against Cleffa though, as it becomes a flip, and doesn't
even knock Cleffa out.
Modified: 2/5
Still decent with Mew and the Holon Engine, but not
nearly as good as it was in Mynx.
Limited: 2/5
Screechy Voice is ok, but Push Away probably wont be
taking out any good trainers.

Hung |
Modified 3/5 - I think it has a lot of potential to be
abused. Against almost any deck, ripping out trainers
like Rare Candy, Holon Transceiver, or critical stadium
cards like Cursed Stone will hurt your opponent a lot.
However, once you're done messing with your opponent's
hand, you'll need a cleaner Pokemon that can win the
game quickly. The last thing you want to do is let your
opponent come back beating you after you spend all that
effort controlling and disrupting the game.
Kempley05 |
Stantler UF
Santler is actually fairly underrated. His attack allows
you to damage, and crucially discards cards like
windstorm, Cessation crystal, stadiums and so on. Can be
a could card to prevent or create a stadium or tool
lock. He also allows you to take a peek at your
opponent?s hand which can be a decent advantage.
However, he lacks the clout to be put up front and
survive ? he?s more likely to be seen as a tech in Mew
ex based decks, however I?d sooner attack with something
a bit more substantial ? that will help you more in the
long run.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 2.5/5
Limited 3/5 ? Colourless and can be thrown in any deck ?
won?t be you main attacker though.
Raichu88 |
My name is Stantler
I pull Santa's Slee
I can look at your hand
With my Push Away
Unlimited: Even though there are many Trainers in
Unlimited this thing get K.O too easily.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: 70 HP and weak to Fighting means this thing
isn't gonna make it.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: 70 HP, Basic and Colorless Attacks this could
be a nice addition to a Deck.
Rating : 1/5