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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Arcanine ex
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 4.16
Limited: 1.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Evolving from a decent basic, Arcanine ex can put immediate
pressure on your
opponent and often runs the table if your opponent can't
come up with a response quickly. Overrun is a sick attack,
spreading damage quickly, while Flame Swirl is another great
addition to it - allowing you to have an answer for when
your opponent does get something built. It's Poke-Body is
one of the best in the game, allowing you to not have to
waste cards on Switch or some other way of dealing special
Arcanine ex's only significant downside is that you
typically end up wasting so many energy attachments on the
first Arcanine, it is difficult to build back-up Pokemon.
Modified: 4/5
Although fast with high HP, you'd rather just be fast. There
are other
faster Stage1's to use, like Wigglytuff ex (Hidden Legends),
which can abuse
Boost Energy and Double Colorless Energy.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
If you get Growlithe, you need to play Arcanine almost
regardless of how few
fire Pokemon you have with it. Arcanine is going to be
extremely difficult
to knock out in limited, as its damage-removing Poke-Body is
going to keep
it in play for a while.
Even without React Energy, Arcanine ex is a beast.
Limited: 4.5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Arcanine ex
Arcanine ex is one of the few good decks that survived the
format rotation. Arcanine ex is usually combined with
Houndoom UF to make for a fast turn 2 fire deck. 120 HP for
a stage 1 is always great, Water weakness is the best
weakness to have, Fire Remedy is a very useful Poke-Body,
Overrun is great for its cost, and Flame Swirl OHKOs almost
anything in the game, especially when it's been set up with
a few Overruns. A very solid card.
Unlimited: 1/5
A little slow here, and wont be able to handle Energy
Modified: 4.5/5
Amazing here. It has all positives, and almost no negatives.
I'm very surprised that this deck doesn't see more play.
Limited: 5/5
If you get this thing out, it's gunna win you the game.
Everything about this card is amazing here.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Arcanine ex
Modified 4/5 - I think being Fire and dealing superior damage
for 3 Energies (100 damage!) is really good. The Poke-Body is
nice too - sometimes you can last one more turn, just because
you have that 10 extra HP back. However, it is Energy-intensive,
and you need some solid back-up options once your first Arcanine
ex is KO'd.

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Arcanine ex from
Legend Maker
This card was one of
those ex’s that people had high expectations from. Looking at
it, it is very easy to see why. Arcanine ex boasts a stout
120hp. When combined with his poke-body, which is a Built in
heal energy, he seems stronger than that. His first attack,
overrun, is incredible. 30 damage to the active and 20 to the
bench for 1 fire and 1 colorless. So that means with this stage
1 in play turn 2 you’re already setting up your opponent. Then
you add another fire energy, and you can flame swirl for 100.
You have you choice of discarding 2 fire energy or 1 react
energy. Which means as long as you have energy this guy is
hitting very hard. The only reason he never saw any game play
was because LBS runs Blastoise ex. Or because any water pokemon
could easily hurt him.
Anyone who helps get energy… crush draw/Magcargo maybe?
His is a selfish
pokemon, he does not like to share his energy which is his
biggest downfall.
Misdreveus is the queen here, and she can’t even lay a
finger on him, plus you’ll probably overrun for all four prizes
(Plus or minus $5
~Muk Man~
Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions or
comments, send an email to

Raichu88 |
My name is Arcanine
When you Attach an Energy
I’ll heal 10 and a Special Condition
With my Fire Remedy
Unlimited: His weakness is devastating here. Cause of all the
Blastoise and Suicune Ex Decks.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: This thing is showing his face more and more on
Cities. They combine it with Eeveelutions to make one
devastating deck. But it also has it’s downside like every deck
Arcanine has to Discard 2 Fire or 1 React wich means that using
his Flame Swirl too much will leave Arcanine with too less
energy and becomes vulnerable. This thing can be good expect to
see at at Cities.
Rating : 3/5
Limited: It can hit the Bench and take care of Special
Conditions. And it can do 100 damage to take care of hi HP
Rating : 3.5/5