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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Xatu δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 3
Limited: 1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Xatu D works best in numbers & the Holon Engine. Using
Holon's Castform
with Holon's Mentor will allow you to Delta Draw for
multiple cards, getting
multiple Xatu D out. With multiple Xatu in play, you can
turn various
Stage2 ex cards into beats. Cards like Flygon ex (DF) and
Dragonite ex d
(DF) are two of the many Stage2 ex's that can benefit from
Xatu d.
Modified: 3
There aren't many Stage2 ex's you can play in unlimited, and
Xatu is
vulnerable to Murkrow's Mean Look.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
The fact that its attack requires a dark makes it extremely
weak. It's
Poke-Body is almost entirely useless. Even if you did pull a
Stage2 ex, the basic, and the stage1, and the Natu, getting
all out at the same time isn't
Limited: 1/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Xatu d
Xatu d is quite weak on its own, but can be useful when
combined with a strong stage 2 ex. I suggest using it with
Dragonite ex d so your Deafens can start doing 60-70 damage,
2HKOing most Pokemon as opposed to the standard 3hko with
Deafen doing 40.
Unlimited: 1/5
Stage 2 exs can't survive here, so it has nothing to
Modified: 3/5
Definately a good play in any deck that revolves around
stage 2 exs. The basic Natu is also good for knocking out
Shuppets turn 1 :-D.
Limited: 1/5
No stage 2 exs + no Dark Energy to attack = bad limited

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Xatu delta
Modified 3/5 - I really like this card for certain decks running
Stage 2 Pokemon-ex's. Most notable ones are Gardevoir ex d and
Kingdra d. Because it is important for those decks to get to the
90 and 100 damage per hit threshold. Notice there is a lot of
Pokemon with a maximum HP of 100 - such as Ludicolo or Metagross
d, or Dragonite d. 2-2 or 3-3 lines of Xatu d can change the
game in your favor.