2006 World
Champion |
Unlimited: 1/5. Useless here. Use Sneasel as a basic to do
high damage for two energy, except anytime.
Overall a pretty weak card. Fitting best into decks that run
lightning (such as Metanite), Pikachu* would be better off
as Latios* or Rayquaza*.
Spring Back is a decent attack, allowing Pikachu* to be a
decent addition to
Mewtrick, which plays lightning energy. However, with one
prize left, Mega Shot would usually be your best option
anyway. Thundershock can also be used Turn1 if available,
which conveniently sets up 50 HP Pokemon for a OHKO
from Disconnect.
Modified: 3/5
LImited: 4.5/5. Extremely strong here. You will constantly
play close games, and besides having decent first attack,
Spring Back can win you a the game.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Not the best * Pokemon to use. If you're running Lightning
Energy, use Latios* or Ray*.
Unlimited: 1/5
If your opponent has 1 prize left, would you rather CPU
Search for a possible game saving Admin, or THIS thing? Not
good here.
Modified: 1/5
Latios* and Latias* are the best star Pokemon to use here,
due to the popularity of Pokemon ex and Stage 2s.
Limited: 3/5
Not bad here. Can stall, and make a nice 2-1 prize comeback
if it doesnt get KOed.

Raichu88 |
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to everyone!
My name is Pikachu
Everybody knows me
I’m the most famous
Cause I’m always on TV
Unlimited: Too low HP and
weakness for Fighting will get it KO’ed too quick.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Weakness too
Fighting isn’t that good since Exeggutor is around. It
attacks aren’t too good.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Thunders Shock
is nice and Spring Back could win you some games.
Rating : 2/5