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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Vaporeon δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.8
Modified: 2.6
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
For some reason Eeveelutions have never been very good. This
is no exception as its attacks are just average. They don't
do anything special. Return Wave doesn't even discard the
opponent's energy, it returns it to their hand, so there's
nothing really good about it.
Unlimited - It will get eaten alive by everything in this
format. Energy Removal and SER would tear it apart making
sure Vaporeon is stuck doing 10 damage a turn. 1/5
Modified - If you really wanna use a Vaporeon, use Vaporeon
ex. That one at least has good HP, a decent attack and
Poke-Power. This one is bad. 1/5
Limited - It could be tough getting the metal energy he
needs for Return Wave, but if you do get it it's not bad
since the Return Wave could prevent the opponent from
getting the needed energy to attack. 2/5

Hung |
Vaporeon Delta: 4/5 Out of all the Delta Eevee-loutions, I like
this one the best. They work well with Jolteon Delta and Flareon
Delta. You can attach an Energy, search for the Holon Energy
(Delta Search), then start taking control of the game turn 2.
The reason this one gets the highest score (out of the Delta
Eevee-loutions) is because its 2nd attack can control the game's
"tempo" in your favor. The best example is you start with Eevee
with Energy Evolution, play Energy Search for Water Energy,
charge it up, and you can KO opponent's Plusle (Call for Family)
turn 2. If they have to charge up their Active (i.e. charge up
Nidorina), they are in major trouble.

~R Pac~
Today's card is Vaporeon from Delta Species
The final card in Eeveelution week. Basically just read
my review on Flareon and switch the fire to water and
you'll get this guy. The difference in attack on this
one, is returning an energy on the opponent instead of
bench damage or burning the Poke. Of all three primary
Eeveelutions, I would consider this attack to be the
worst. Energy removal is rampant in unlimited and we
don't need an attack to have the same affect when it
hurts you. Play this one last of all out of all the
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
Vaporeon [delta species]
nope, it sucks here, it doesn't do much damage, and
metal energy get removed before they take effect. it's
first attack does 10 damage...
wow. that sucks pretty bad, it's weakness is just
terrible, so is it's HP.
use Eevee from UF if you are going to play this
eeveelution card, you can get a pretty big advantage of
getting an evolution on your first turn, and already 2
energy cards attached to it, including one being a holon
energy, with nice effects and such, very cheap combo, as
you only need a basic pokemon and a basic energy card
for it.
it stats are rather disappointing though, 50 damage is
not enough, but it's effect can be nasty, it's weakness
is terrible, and it has not much HP.
Limited: not really good here, as it's weakness is most
unfortunate, most of this set is lightning type. also,
you need a metal energy to use it's second attack, which
are rare and you might not get a metal at all. if you
can use the attack somehow (holon tower or holon pokemon)
you might want to play it, it's a decent card as long as
you don't face lightning pokemon.