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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Vaporeon ex
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.6
Modified: 2.06
Limited: 3.9
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Vaporeon ex
Vaporeon ex has high HP for a stage 1. Evolutionary Swirl
can mess up your opponent's hand, and Hydrosplash is pretty
good for the cost. Overall an average pokemon.
Unlimited - ER, SER, GOW will kill this. 1/5
Modified - Still not much better. But it can combo with
Fieldworker ;). 1/5
Limited - Excellent. High HP and good attacks for the cost.
1234 |
Here we have another Eevee-lution card whose Pok?Power
only works when you play it from your hand, which does
not work with the Eevee [UF] energy
Evolution power. However, it is good when you are able
to evolve from your hand. If your opponent has just used
Scott, Holon Mentor, or some other card to get cards
from his/her deck into his/her hand, Evolutionary Swirl
can disrupt your opponent's strategy by preventing
him/her from playing cards he/she planned to use next
turn. Of course, Rocket Admin does the same thing, but
with this power, you have benefit of disrupting your
hand and still being able to use a supporter for that
Vaporeon Ex retreat cost of one is very good,
considering its 120 HP. It's
an EX, but I believe the EX rule (and other
disadvantages of being an EX) is more than made up for
by and attack that does 40 for (1W) and an attack that
does 60 for (2W). And let's not forget the 120 HP!
Unlimited: Perhaps you could surprise your opponent with
this card (considering the lack of anti-EX tech in
Unlimited decks). You could get it out one turn one with
Energy Evolution? (you don't get to use the Evolutionary
Swirl, but I don't think it's very useful in this
format) to avoid fighting weakness and a consequential
FTKO from a Tyrogue [N2] or Hitmonchan [BS]. You could
have it doing 60 on turn two with DCE, which is not too
bad. 3/5
Modified: Not the best water attack in Modified, but
still a good card (and a lot better than the Jolteon/Flareon/Vaporeon
from UF). Its power should help here if you want to
evolve Eevee manually. There's plenty of water
resistance in this format, so Fastwave's effect will
definitely help 4.2/5
Limited: Lack of special energy requirements makes this
card stand out. All you need is water to get this thing
to work. There is no water resistance in DS (except for
Rayquaza d). There's no water weakness either, so it
balances out. The hand disruption that Evolutionary
Swirl could cause is worth it, without a doubt. 4.8/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com
Vaporeon ex (Delta Species)
Unlimited: What to say it’s not great. Lightning weaknes
and being ex is bad here.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well here it can be actually fun I mean 120
for an stage 1 is nice plus you can get it out fast with
Eevee from Unseen Forces. It’s power isn’t to bad and
three for 60 is nice.
Kevin 89 and I come up with a little combo called
Vaposwamp. The combo consisting of Vaporeon UF ,
Vaporeon ex and Swampert EM together with Surprise Time
Machine it’s kinda fun. Although that I’m not sure of it
being consistent and al.
Rating : 2/5
Limited : Well if you get it along with Eevee just use
it (like I did : P) it’s worth it even though it’s a ex.
Rating : 2/5

Kevin89 |
Vaporeon EX
being an ex sucks in unlimited and weakness to lightning
isn't good either. it's poke-power is nice though, but
cleffa and a lot of other cards get around it. this
could be devastating if your opponent doesn't have
cleffa and you have some slowking NG on your bench. play
some rocket's trap along with it and you have a lock.
though imposter proffesor oak does basically the same
thing and you could find a better attacker. without
lightning restistance ;)
I think it is very interesting here. there is a pretty
good chance your opponent gets a crappy hand so you can
KO some basics while your opponent is recovering. also,
fastwave is a pretty good attack, heck 2 for 40 damage
is just awesome. and it goes through any protective
poke-body or metal energy. pretty nice. the 60 damage
attack is cheap too, but not really special. the major
downfall of this card is that it has weakness to
lightning. also, desert ruins/cursed stone will eat it
alive. other than that, it's a pretty disruptive card.
if you get it, don't even hestitate.
weakness to lightning sucks, but 60 knocks out dratini's
and beldum.
and fastwave hits any lucky metal user. hopefully,
evolutionary swirl won't let your opponent get a too
nice setup.