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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Here Comes Team
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Here Comes Team Rocket!
This is even worse than when it first came out in the first
TR set now that it's a supporter. You're helping out your
opponent just as much as yourself, so you get no advantage
from it. It's a waste of a slot in your deck.
Unlimited - More of a waste than Base Gastly. 1/5
Modified - No there are much better cards you can use. 1/5
Limited - Here it could be alright if there's that crucial
evolution you need in your prizes, since many times you'll
have 1/1/1 lines of stuff. 2/5

Kevin89 |
Here comes Team Rocket!
but I'd rather see it go.
This card might be good in a techy deck with 1-1 lines
of pokemon.
but furthermore, I wouldn't waste my 1 supporter per
turn on getting the possibilty to choose my prize.
don't play techs here, neither play this card here.
It might actually be a decent card in a deck with a
1-1-1 dark ampharos or 1-1-1 kingdra line teched in
them. but I'd still rather get lucky and celio them out
of my deck.
Due to the lack of supporters here, it loses it's big
problem and now it's actually a decent card. too bad it
works for your opponent too.
Raichu88 |
To protect the world
from devestation!
To unite all peoples within our nati on !
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Here Comes Team Rocket ;-)
Unlimited: Why use it if you can use the old version
wich is a trainer and not an supporter, not that I would
use this one though.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Waste of space in your deck. But on the other
hand gives you an opportunity to take the correct
prizes, then again it helps your opponent so leave it.
Rating : 1.5/5
Limited: Actually nice card here cause you don’t pull
much supporter and you will be able to get out you pokes
on time.
Rating : 2.5/5