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EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.75
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Gengar is an interesting Pokemon. When it's knocked out, you
put 3 counters on 1 of your opponent's pokemon, so they may
be afraid to knock you out. With a react energy on, you can
spread 4 more damage counters around each turn. Between this
and shadow curse, your opponent's bench will take a ton of
damage and could be good ATM rock bait. Curse Powder helps
with this too, doing 30 more when Gengar dies.
Unlimited - I don't see much hope for this. Your opponent
will ER all the reacts, and he's weak to Sneasel :(. I guess
you could OHKO babies with his power but that's about it.
Modified - Much better here. ATM rock can do some
destroying. Maybe use Espeon ex too. 4/5
Limited - You're lucky to get React Energy, but it's not
bad, especially with its power. 3/5

Hung |
are ratings are for Modified only.
Gengar: 3/5 I think it can work in a lock deck, but it is a
stage 2, and there are better options for lock decks. I think
being able to use put 4 damage counters instead of 3 (from
Medicham ex's Pure Power) is nice, but it's harder to get it out
in time, and that equalizes the extra damage you can do over
The Ghostly Gengar
Unlimited: To bad he isn’t good friends with Sneasel.
And three for sixty is nice but needing two Psychic
energy means that ER and SER wil kill it.
Rating : 1.5/5
Modified: Now here is were it could become/is great. I
mean look at it’s power knocking this
Guy out will mean 30 damage and with a Curse Powder
backing it will be 60 >_<. Not Only that but the attacks
are great to, one Psychic energy will put two damage
counters on any pokemon you like plus a react means four
damage counters anyway you like >_<. Then it’s second
attack is a solid 60 for three nice. Now I was thinking
about putting it into a deck of it’s own. The first
thing that came to my mind was a 3-2-3 Gengar line plus
a Gengar ex and a 2-1-2 line of Pidgeot that together
with some Plusle and you have a start. I didn’t play
tested it so….. . Anyway I’m still searching for the
right strategy for this card.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: If your lucky enough to pull it use it cause
it’s power can be devastating.
And if you get it with 2 react Super. I know it hard to
get a perfect line or multiple reacts,
But a friend of mine got a 2-2-2 Gengar line with two
react >_< now that’s mighty ;-).
Rating : 2.5/5