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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 2.5
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Scyther UF
Mmm. Scyther UF could be worse. Since Modified contains
only another Scyther besides this (Scyther FRLG), and
Scyther FRLG is inferior to Scyther UF, you’ll find
Scyther UF played in decks that contain Scizor ex.
Scyther UF has two attacks. The first one, for a
colorless, gets two other Scythers on your Bench, which
can also be Scyther ex’s. The second one, for a double
colorless, does 20 with a chance of invulnerability for
one turn. An interesting card, but which is pointless if
you’re not going to evolve it, since Scyther ex is crap,
to put it mildly – not to mention downright illegal in
Unlimited: Here, Scyther UF has stiffer competition, in
the shape of Jungle Scyther. And, unfortunately, Jungle
Scyther wins the battle, since it has higher HP, no
retreat, and resistance to fighting. 1/5
Modified: In Modified, it’s the better Scyther of the
two available, but use it only if you’re playing Scizor
ex. 2/5
Draft: Well, Scyther is an Uncommon card that is
entirely splashable, but, unless you got another Scyther,
the first attack is pointless. The second attack does 20
with a chance to stall, but you might flip tails. I
wouldn’t bet on Scyther to be good in Draft, despite the
60HP. 1.5/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Scyther from Unseen Forces
Okay, first off, I'm glad to be back posting reviews
after my short break :). I had a wonderful Christmas and
I'm still on break for 2 weeks, but I have internet
connection right now so I'm going to make the most of
it. My Christmas was amazing and I got a new digital
camera for it and my birthday kinda wrapped up in one,
but just getting to see a lot of my family and my close
friends was wonderful enough for me.
Random funny event from the break: Kayla hands me a glob
of her hair, puts it up to my nose and says, "Robbie,
Okay, on to the card. Scyther is a great Poke. Most of
the older players (like myself) can remember the days
when jungle Scyther was the killer in most decks having
an awesome attack, great HP for a basic, and free
retreat. The Unseen Forces version of this card is kinda
washy. The HP is dropped just enough to where a 30
damage attack from a fire Poke will send him to the
graveyard. The retreat cost of one has been added. The
attacks have also been minimized. The second attack
stinks up the place - somehow he went from doing 60
damage on one turn, to now 20 :-\. The first attack is
why I think someone might play this card. Getting to get
2 jungle Scythers (or, if you're insane - Scyther EXs)
from your deck is a nice attribute. However, overall
this attack stinks. You must remember this is unlimited,
which should be named unlimited for the number of
possible ways to get cards from your deck. There are
just so many ways to get Scythers or what not from your
deck that I think it's silly to waste an attack on it.
Just pass this card on by and stick with the original.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
~R Pac~
Zennium66@aol.com |

Kevin89 |
Scyther UF
a prevolution of one of the most used cards in modified
I'd go with jungle scyther for sure, it has more HP and
restistance to fighting.
twin play is still a good setup move, but i suppose
eeeeek is better.
agilty is nowhere special and your opponent can easily
work around it here (gust of wind).
there isn't much choice here, either FRLG scyther or
this one, and well, I'd go with this one.
Twin play is pretty nice as you have much more limited
search options than in unlimited, and you'd rather waste
your supporters on getting evolutions or so.
agility is a nice staller, but nothing more than that.
it's hp is 10 points higher than most other basic
pokemon, though weak to fire hurts here.
well, it's definetly one of the better basics in the
set, so if you have some space left, you can always tech
this in your deck vs those annoying quagsires.
twin play is pretty useful if you have more scythers,
you thin your deck and you won't lose because you don't
have any other bench pokemon.
furthermore, it's nothing more than a good staller.