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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Deoxys ex
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.125
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Deoxys ex (Attack form)
Deoxys ex (Attack form) is a deadly card, in the right
deck. It has 110HP, which is very healthy for a Basic
Pokemon, even for an ex Pokemon, but remember that
Desert Ruins might, umm, ruin it. Its Poke-Power, Form
Change, lets you exchange it with a different Deoxys ex
from your deck, giving your opponent a surprise at
times. Its attack, for two colorless and a psychic, does
50, with an option of discarding two Energy from Deoxys
ex in order to deal an additional 20 damage for each
Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon. This allows
for a probable OHKO, at the cost of discarding two
Metagross from EX Deoxys combos well with it, since it
allows you to get a Psychic Energy from the discard pile
and attach it to Deoxys ex, which allows the latter to
attack for more than 50 turn after turn. All in all,
quite good.
Unlimited: It might work here as well, especially with
Metagross DX. With Metagross, it becomes more immune to
removals, and Psychic is not often seen in Unlimited,
save for Slowking, which invariably doesn’t attack. It’s
true that Psychic resistance is a little bit present,
but these invariably are on Pokemon that have 60HP at
most, and, if all else fails, you can always play stuff
like Crystal Shard or even Magnetic Storm. It also helps
that DCE can be used both for the attack cost and for
the discarding, not to mention cards like Scoop Up and
Pokemon Center to help Deoxys ex last a wee bit longer.
Fun stuff. 3/5
Modified: Here it’s also good, simply because it can
still get the benefit of Metagross DX. Fun fun fun.
Draft: Yes take it. Don’t worry about discarding two
energies. Firstly, you don’t have to discard them… you
can deal 50 damage if you so wish, without discarding
anything, and something tells me that most Basic Pokemon
have 50HP. Secondly, when you discard those two energy,
you OHKO their attacker more often than not, which
should give you ample time to attach two more energies,
since it’s highly unlikely that your opponent has
another evolution ready to attack you. Take it, or be
prepared to lose to it. 5/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Deoxys EX from Delta Species
Well, I'm definitely not a fan of the Deoxys. We've
tried this Poke exchange thing before and I don't think
it worked very well. The concept is nice - get the Poke
you need for different situations. The problem is not
being able to keep him alive long enough for the effect
to matter. They usually require too much energy and this
one is no exception. 50+ for three energy is not very
appealing to those who still see Sneasle (who is
resistant to Deoxys by the way) still being played in
places. Not only that, but you can still only run 4
Deoxys and 4 Deoxys EX in a deck. Thats only 8 Pokes
that the deck would have to be centered on. It just
doesn't work to my knowledge. Besides, this one is an EX
and still doing crummy damage. If you are going to do a
Deoxys deck, sure this guy wouldn't be a horrible pick,
but I would reconsider running the deck all together.
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5
~R Pac~