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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnetic Storm
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Magnetic Storm
Magnetic Storm is a nice gym. All Fighting and Psychic
Pokemon ignore resistance when they attack. Yes,
including ex’s.
This is, overall, a fair card, since I believe that the
commonest resistance is Fighting, followed by Psychic.
Nowadays, in Modified, Psychic resistance is very rare,
if at all present, but Fighting resistance is still
present. However, it suffers from quite a number of
things. One is that your opponent also gets its benefit,
meaning that, if you have any Fighting/Psychic
resistance of your own (Pidgeot?), your opponent will
also nail it for 30 more damage for free. Another thing
is that it’s a gym, and so your opponent can simply
change it if it’s doing him or her damage. But the
biggest weakness it has is the following: in all of your
games, it’s not going to be useful during your whole
game. It’s going to be useful in maybe two or three
turns at most, maybe even never (since your opponent may
well not have any Psychic or Fighting resistance) and
then it just becomes a countergym. It’s better to use a
card that works just for the turn you need, and there’s
where Crystal Shard comes in.
Unlimited: In Unlimited, there are very few viable
Psychic and Fighting Pokemon, if at all, so the use of
Magnetic Storm becomes even more limited. 1.5/5
Modified: Here it’s a little bit better, but
unfortunately, Crystal Shard is a better card in most
cases. 2/5
Draft: In Draft, it depends on whether you have drafted
Psychic and Fighting Pokemon or not. If you have, then
there’s no harm in drafting it. Your opponent probably
didn’t draft any gym whatsoever (although Hidden
Legends, the set Magnetic Storm is from, contains quite
a good number of Stadiums), and so the chance that your
opponent changes your gym drops a lot. And you can
always use it as a countergym if he or she did draft
some gyms. Having no resistance on your main attacker
should help you win much easier. Unfortunately, you’ll
still have games where the gym is absolutely useless,
however. 2.5/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Magnetic Storm from Delta Species
Wowzers! That's a statement I can say about this card.
What is the main problem for psychic and fighting type
decks? Correct you are! The resistances. What does this
card do? It gets arid of Resistances. Yeah, it's
amazing. Sure, not every deck will want it, but I would
have to think this is one of the best stadiums to run in
a psychic or fighting deck. It would be beautiful as a
counter gym, but also nice in those situations when
resistance is a problem (which is quite often with these
types of Pokes). I would suggest running a few in
Psychic and Fighting decks, unless your deck would be
harmed by it or not helped by it (like a Jungle Mr. Mime
deck - oh yeah, one of my old time favorites that still
surprises people from time to time).
Unlimited Rating 4/5
~R Pac~