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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Crobat δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
1/26 Crobat d
I know this card has quite a bit of potential, but cards like
Medicham ex and Jynx (Pure Power) are much more effective at
spreading damage efficiently. Those are stage 1's, while this is
stage 2. Stage 2 are much tougher to set-up consistently. Thus,
the risk outweighs the reward, IMO.
Modified 2/5 |

~R Pac~
Today's card is Crobat from Delta Species
Alright, so right after reviewing Beedrill, we get
another final evolution flying grass Poke. Once again
90HP. Once again no retreat cost. But the Power isn't
the center of this card (seeing as he has no Poke
Power). The attacks are. The first one inhibits trainers
to be played by your opponent for only 2 colorless and
does 30 damage. Beautiful. Quick evolve this guy with a
Rare Candy and slap a double colorless on him and he's
dishing out decent damage and stopping your opponent
from playing trainers. The second attack is also another
sniping attack that does 40 or 60 damage to any of your
opponents Pokes. Once again, beautiful. Killing off
those Squirtles or Sneasles or benched Vileplume EXs
always brings me pleasure. This can be a pretty deadly
Poke. Like Beedrill, I would run him with Scyther - or
maybe even Vileplume EX. That way, Once he's knocked
out, just pull up a Vileplume and your opponent still
can't play any trainers. I know running two evolution
lines in unlimited is suicide for the most part, but it
could be fun. Just watch out in trying to get Zubat set
up in the beginning.
Unlimited Rating 3/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
Crobat [delta species]
I guess there are a lot of ways here to put damage
counters on benched pokemon, and then crobat should
finish the job. unfortunately, in unlimited good decks
usually recover very quick and to some it doesn't even
matter if you KO a benched pokemon. crobat has psy
weakness which is good, and zero retreat, which is also
good. it can use metal to survive a little longer, but
not long enough probably. ER dominates here.
I think it is a very interesting card, to start with, 90
hp is ok, not much for a stage 2 though, but energy root
and metal energy will help a lot. it has psy-weakness,
which is ok now, but with the upcoming sets I predict
psy weakness will make this card useless in the future.
With his first attack, you could stadium lock your
very effective, when used quick enough (double rainbow),
definetly something to use battle frontier with.
It's second attack can do 40 or 60 to any pokemon, but
that depends on whether they already have any damage
Jolteon ex!
I think when this deck is fast enough, it really has no
problem with most decks, jolteon ex + crobat on turn 3
will mean you can OHKO pidgeotto on the bench, or with
another jolteon ex you can also OHKO magcargo. very
effective way to keep your opponent from searching his
deck for the right cards.
but then again, crobat needs a turn 3 at least and has
psy weakness.
hmm, it's first attack can be of some use, but most
trainer cards in this set are supporters, thats just too
the second attack is deadly when you already used
golbat's attack to damage benched pokemon. if you have
something that provides metal energy.
when you get the upper hand in a game, you'll probably
win because of crobat, 2 hit KO anything that could be
dangerous and you'll be fine.
4.5/5 |
Crobat (delta species)
Unlimited: First attack is nice here
(it stops trainers). And with DC more efficient
against ER and SER. Second attack is nice when you
can get the energy ; ) with 40 damage you kill
babies easily (on the bench, those annoying
igglybuff and elekid for example).
Rating : 2/5
Modified: Now this is the format were
you should play it. I mean look at his attacks two
for 30
Isn’t much but it can hold Battle
Fronier or Desert Ruins one turn longer on the
field. It’s second attack is great it can really
hurt your opponent’s bench. And together with
Jolteon ex it can sniper basic pokemon from the
bench great card.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: Not too good here. Only when
you have a 2-2-1 line and two metal it’s nice. Don’t
play it when you got one metal it’s too risky and a
hard time setting up. I give it a little credit for
the free retreat ; )
Rating : 1.5/5