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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hypno δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Today's card is Hypno from Delta Species
This review was suppose to be over Dragonite, but we had
already reviewed that card, so it's Hypno's turn to go
around. Mediocre is a good word to describe this card.
70 HP for a stage 1 final evolution, 1 retreat cost, low
costing decent attacks and a Poke body that could be
okay. Nothing special here. The basis of a deck with
this in it would be to get the Poke asleep and prevent
them from being able to add any energy to their active
Poke. Not a bad concept, it just doesn't work. First,
the sleep attack on Hypno doesn't deal out any damage,
and you'll only keep the Poke asleep half the time (on
your opponent's turn) and only a quarter of the time by
the time your turn rolls around - so you're basically
giving him a free shot if he flips a heads inbetween
turns. Not only that, but the sleep condition is very
easily bypassed in this format (Switch, Double Gust,
Scoop Up, Mr. Brinney's Compassion, etc.). So the center
of this deck in unlimited doesn't work very well.
However, if you are going to run this in a deck, I would
recommend some of the Sleep! trainers from Rocket and
perhaps some other Poke that delivers the sleep affect
and a lots of good luck. However, I wouldn't recommend
this card in unlimited for sure.
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
It's psychic, which means a lot of pokemon have
restistance to hypno.
40 damage for 2 energy is very good though. and it's
body + the first attack could make an interesting lock.
however, in unlimited it's too easy to get out of this
lock, so don't use it here ;)
Again, interesting lock here, the body works also from
your bench, so I guess it could be used as a stalling
card to build up your bigger pokemon, while locking your
opponent's active pokemon. interesting already, but what
if your opponent has more than 1 pokemon? nope, it only
locks the active pokemon so your opponent could build
his bench as well, 2 energy for 40 is a nice trade
though, just not effective enough.
less ways to get rid of status conditions, which means
hypno can lock a little easier.
2 for 40 damage is near awesome, and being psychic is a
big advantage here. just a bit sad that it's not a delta
Hypno (delta species)
Unlimited: Well uhm... it's power is fun with Dark
Gengar together :D. But on his own just NO.
And its attacks just won't cut it either. Nothing more
to say here if you want to play a Hypno in unlimited use
the Aquapolis version.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well 70 won't make it here an 40 is to weak
so.... you fill it in yourself.
Rating: 1/5
Limited: Actually useful here not specific as main
attacker but ads a nice backup.
With 70 it can at least live two turns. And its attack
can sleep-lock basics to kill with Psyshot.