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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.3
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Huntail LM
Modified 2/5 - I like this card working with Delcatty LM, but
Battle Frontier is too huge right now. Yes, you can counter
their stadium, but the math says that you could be stuck without
a counter-gym way too often. Along with Cursed Stone causing you
to give up easy prizes, it's simply not worth it.
Computer Guy |
Huntail (Legend Maker)
Huntail is kind of like Gorebyss in that it has low Hit
Points a weakness to lightning and a sub-par attack.
What's even worse about Huntail is that he has a retreat
cost. The only thing that helps him is his Poke-Power.
Huntail is teched in to Machamp decks so the Huntail can
get a React Energy, Delcatty can move it over to Machamp,
and then Machamp can do a powerful attack. That's the
only competitive deck I've seen Huntail in as of right
Unlimited: 0/10
Modified (HL-on): 6/10
Modified (DX-on): 6/10
Limited: 7/10
Dave |
Huntail - LM
Huntail's PokePower, Reactive Genenerator, allows you to
search your deck for a React Energy and attach it to
Huntail as long as Huntail has no energy attached. This
combos well with Gorebyss from Legend Maker, making
Huntails attack, Bite Off, only cost one React Energy
and one colorless energy. Bite off does 40 and does an
additional 30 damage if the Defending Pokemon is a
Pokemon-EX. Another great combination with Huntail is
Delcatty LM and Machamp LM. Delcatty allows you to move
React Energies around once per turn, and Machamp can do
100 damage for just a Fighting and two Reacts. Huntail
really isn't that good in Limited unless you get really
lucky and get Gorebyss and some React Energies, but it's
quite unlikely to get all three, plus several Clamperls.
Unlimited 1/5 Modified 2/5 Limited 2/5

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is...Huntail from Legend Maker.
His 80hp puts
him on par with other stage 1s because, unless fighting an ex he will max
out at 40 damage, which is less than average for stage 1's, plus it takes
WCC to attack. What makes him so useful is his Poke-Power "Reactive
Generator", which allows him to power himself up quickly, and combined with
Delcatty from LM allows you to power up your pokes who benefit from Reactive
Modified 2/5...3/5 combined with Delcatty
4/5...His 80HP+Power will allow you 1 extra attack, and give you that edge
you might need. Plus he is uncommon so he's not that hard to
Current Ebay Value(plus or minus 50 cent).55 cent/non-holo $1
dollar RH
-Muk Man-