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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.95
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Lanturn LM
Modified 2/5 - I like cards that can deal decent damage and take
advantage of different types of Weaknesses. However, notice that
Water Gun takes 4 Energies to deal 60 damage, 120 if the
opposing Pokemon is Weak. 120 damage is an important number,
because there isn't a Stage 2 Pokemon that can have a natural HP
above 120. (It means that their max HP is 120, but you can of
course Energy Root to make them bigger.)
4 Energies! There's a lot I can do with 4 Energies. I can get a
guranteed 120 damage from Salamence ex and Tyranitar ex. No need
to take dumb risks.
1234 |
Lanturn’s Poké-Body allows you to consider Lanturn to be
water type in addition to lightning type when you have
water energy attached to it. This could be helpful
against Pokémon that Lanturn is weak to; 18% of fighting
Pokémon are weak to water, including Groudon EX, Rhydon
[HL], Lunatone [DX], Golem EX and Golem [LM].
Its first attack is nothing out of the ordinary. The
second attack is yet another “add more water energy for
additional damage” attack- and there’s nothing wrong
with that, except you cannot do more than 80 damage with
it (you would need five energies).
Unlimited: Much more efficient ways to do 80 damage with
a water Pokémon. For example, Blastoise EX + Suicune EX
or Exeggcutor (or even Blastoise EX with itself). 1/5
Modified: The retreat cost does not compensate for the
poor attacks, and neither does the Poké-Body. There is
no reason to play it, IMO. Maybe as a tech in a Magcargo/Lanturn
“four corner” deck. 1.3/5
DX-on: 1.3/5
Limited: 1.3/5

Kevin89 |
please no, the attacks are bad and there's no real need
for the body.
I always like the dual-type bodies, but Lanturn's
attacks are so terribly weak that the body doesn't even
Decent, the ability to be 2 types at once is pretty
cool. It makes it more likely your opponent will have
weakness to you. the attacks are still not-so-good, but
in draft it can hold it's own.

Patriarch |
Uuuuugh, today we're reviewing Lanturn LM, a much weaker
variant of its counterpart from Hidden Legends,
Lightning Strike Lanturn.
Unlimited (1.25/5): Overall, not much of a card at all.
It has an attack that puts babies in range, but its
second attack is horribly overcoasted, and is probably
not the best way to compliment one of the many energy
manipulators released in the game.
Modified (1.75/5): Not very good here either, because of
its horrible inefficiency. Unless you're a Blastoise ex
player really (and I do mean REALLY) paranoid about
Arcanine ex or Typhlosion UF, it probaby will be bad in
most decks. If there was a lightning/water weak Pokemon
in the current HL-on format, it'd be much more playable
(like Magcargo UF, which does 4x damage to Steelix ex).
Unfortunately there isn't. Just use Lanturn HL-it's
better in almost every way.
Limited (3/5): An example of constructed crap turned
into a sealed game winner. Dual Armor can and will help,
because much of Legend Maker is weak to water and
lightning. Other than Machoke and Regirock*, most of the
real cards that could kill it with ease are those stage
two fightings. If you're using different types of sets
for your tournament, it isn't as good, but still a
random Pokemon you can create a line with.
Computer Guy |
Lanturn (Legend Maker)
Lanturn has decent attacks, an okay amount of Hit
Points, and a great Poke-Body. However he is weak to
Fighting and has a horrible 2 retreat cost. The
Poke-Body is awesome in that it can be a dual type
pokemon and have the advantage going against pokemon
weak to Lightning and Water. Really the only deck that
I've seen Lanturn in is Ludicargo.
Unlimited: 3/10
Modified (HL-on): 6/10
Modified (DX-on): 5/10
Limited: 8/10
Dave |
Lanturn - LM - Fri
Lanturn from Legend Maker just doesn't cut it for
Modified. It's attacks are pretty standard for a Stage
1, and they become somewhat better when Lanturn becomes
a Dual type Water/Electric. This doesn't even help the
card since most of the decks played in the current
format don't have a huge weakness against water or
electric pokemon. Lanturn having a Fighting weakness
doesn't even help out it being used in any deck. Having
two types on one card can be very helpful in Limited
though. Unlimited 1/5 Modified 1.5/5 Limited 3/5

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is...Lanturn from Legend Maker.
Another Stage
1 pokemon with Over priced attacks. his water gun would take 5 energy to do
a maximum of 80 damage. Id rather power up Politoed ex and swallow up. His
Poke-body (Dual Armor) does give him a nice advantage being a dual water and
lightning type. He could fit into water decks(LUDI)to help combat that
lightning weakness.
Modified 2/5
Limited 3/5...Solid HP and
His Dual Water and Lightning type mean razor fin could do 60 to Fire Pokemon
and Lightning weak types. .
Current Ebay Value(plus or minus .50
cent).25 cent/non-holo .75 cent RH |