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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Groudon ex
EX Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Raichu88 |
My name is Groudon
Resistance I lack
Cause with my Poke-Body
Kyogre and Rayquaza can’t attack
It’s bin a while since I did a review, cause of vacation
and stuff but I will always make time for my loyal
viewers and do CotD. Let’s start of this Ex Hidden
Legend Week.
Unlimited: We have better energy discarding Pokemon then
Groudon (Like Feraligatr from Neo Genesis) So nothing
special about it.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: If it would remain in the next format it would
be super with Delcatty Ex.
But since it doesn’t lets look at the card in this
format…. Hmm…. Nope I don’t see anything superb about
this card.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: If you pull him just play it. He can cut trough
Resistance and 3 for 50 with the change of doing more.
Nice here.
Rating : 2.5/5

Joker Boi |
Groudon ex~ I think the only Groudon to ever see play
was magmas so that excludes this one. HL is about to be
rotated so I dont think we should be thinking about this
card. But since we have to lets start the review. His
body is useless since no one in their right mind plays
Kyogre ex. Rock Tumble is 2 for 30 and I have seen more
on basics. I actually like Crushing mantle Especially
with the new Delcatty ex coming out to bad these 2 wont
be in the modern format or I might of have tried a deck
like that out. His weakness and fine but his retreat is
HUGE especially for a stage 1 ex.
Limited~2/5 Unlimited~1/5
I wont give him a Constructed since hes gone in a month

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is... Groudon EX from Hidden Legends.
As a Basic non-evolving EX his HP is average. Rock Tumble is pretty good for it's price. Crushing Mantle is a pretty decent attack having unlimited potential. Combine it with Holon Lass and you can do a lot of damage. His Poke-body....SUCKS you cant even battle Kyorge EX or Rayquaza EX, which takes some fun out of the set. Overall, just keep it in your binder there are other basic EXs you can play with.(Rayquzaz, Sneasel, The 3 Birds) Modified 1/5 Limited 3/5. Current Ebay Value (plus or minus $5 dollars)$20 dollars |
Computer Guy |
Groudon ex (Hidden Legends)
This card is an okay card, not spectacular by any means,
however it does have one thing going for itself. Groudon
ex's second attack is brutal, show the energies, discard
them, use trainer cards to put them back into your deck,
use Holon Lass and do the whole thing over again.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 2/5