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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon's Magnemite
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Holon's Magnemite
Modified 3/5 - Again, although it doesn't fit every deck, it's
still a very efficient way to provide Energy to Pokemon that
doesn't have a lot of stiff Energy requirements for their
attacks. I would say that the deck needs to run plenty of Basics
(definitely at least 10 without taking the Holon's Energy guys
into account) and your deck doesn't have too many Pokemon
attacks that require specific Energies for their attacks.
Also your deck almost certainly needs to run Holon trainer
engine (Holon Transceiver, Holon Mentor, Holon Adventurer, etc.)
in order to maximize its potential as a whole - Holon's
Magnemite, Holon's Castform, perhaps even Holon's Voltorb.
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Holon's Magnemite (Delta Species)
Holon's Magnemite is horrible by itself but if you use
it as an energy then next turn attach a Holon's
Electrode/Magneton/Castform and then you can start
powering up your pokemon. Infact you could use all of
these cards in a deck and you wouldn't even have to play
any energy cards.
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 1/5
yaser hussain |
This is my first Card of the Day review so I hope you
like it. Today we are
looking at one of the new Holon cards that have been
release, Holon's
Magnemite. Let's look at the card:
Name: Holon's Magnemite
Type: Metal
HP: 40
Stage: Basic
- (M) Linear Attack: Choose on of your opponent's
Pokemon. This
attack does
10 damage to that Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and
Resistance for Benched
- You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand
to 1 of your Pokemon.
While attached, this is card is a Special Energy and
provides (C) Energy.
This card is one of the new cards that are both Energy
and Pokemon. By being a Pokemon card, Holon's Magnemite
could benefit from searcher cards like
Holon Mentor and Celio's Network.
Holon's Magnemite provide a (C) Energy. It would be
better if this card can
provide any type of Energy you want, but that's why we
have Holon's
Castform. Anyway, this card is a good card to use in
many decks. Even though I prefer Holon's Castform, but
if you really need that first turn Energy
then this is your card.
- It's a Pokemon card and Energy card at the same time.
- It's a Basic Pokemon. That mean you can search this
card by
Holon Mentor.
- It provides (C) Energy and not any type of Energy you
Modified: 3/5
If you have any suggestions or want to say anything just
send me an
email to yaseryousif@hotmail.com . Thanks.