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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Mentor
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Holon Mentor
Modified 5/5 - No brainer, well...almost. I mean there are other
options such as Plusle DX with Call for Family, but seriously -
1 turn can easily set up a significant portion of your Pokemon
army, and from turn 3 and on, you could make many productive and
positive plays - such as Celio's for your Pidgeot, Rocket's
Admin a 1 or 2 card hand to make a 6 card hand, etc.
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Holon Mentor (Delta Species)
This is a great card because it can get you 3 basics and
even ex's. The only downside is all of the pokemon you
get have to have 100 HP or less. What's also awesome is
that you can get 3 Holon's Castform. A very handy card
to have around.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 5/5

Muk Man |
Holon Mentor from Delta Species. This is one of those
trainers that everyone is looking for. It reminds me of
Rare Candy, when it was only in one set.(sandstorm)
Basically it is a trainer that lets you grab 3 basic
pokemon, they all have to be under 100hp. What makes it
so great, is that the pokemon go to your hand, and not
your bench. So you can grab those holon castforms to use
as energy, or just build you entire bench up. Combine it
with holon transceiver, and you have the corner stone
for the holon system. Plus it is just like Dunsparce,
(SS) except as a trainer, And we all love dunsparce.
Modified 4/5 Limited 5/5...Grab all you basics at
once... how great is that! Current Ebay Value (plus or
minus 50 cent)$4.50/non-holo $6.50 dollar RH