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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1.1
Limited: 1.45
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Computer Guy |
Today's COTD Review is Mawile from Holon Phantoms
Mawile is a Metal type basic pokemon with 60 HP, a
weakness to fire, a resistance to grass and 1 retreat
cost. This card is just so bad and pointless that it
wouldn't even be used in any deck. If you pull this card
in a pack you feel like I just wasted $3.25 for nothing.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 1/5
Dark Twins |
Mawile Holon Phantoms
The card is horrible, In Modified & Unlimited it isnt
worth it. A basic pokemon with only 60 HP that can do a
max of 20?? There are better choices. In limited it
still is Bad, but still better than a few cards. I
wouldn't play it tho.
Unlimited - 1.0
Modified - 1.2 (Only Cuz It Is Worse In Unlimited)
Limited - 1.9
Drew (AKA) TheDarkTwins

Muk Man |
Today's Card Of The Day is...Mawile from Holon Phantoms.
Well for a non-evolving basic, with no powers or bodies,
it's attacks kinda suck. Not gonna waste too many words
on this one. If you just have to play with it, Mew EX
from Holon Phantoms would make Surprise, a decent
attack. Modified 2/5...trust me, there is worse Limited
2/5...there are so many good non evolving basics, let
someone else have this one. Current Ebay Value (plus or
minus 50 cent)$1.50/non-holo $2.00 dollar RH ~Muk Man~
cyan |
Hi, I'm new to CotD, but I hope my opinions are
well taken...
Today's Pokemon is the Holon Phantom's Mawile.
It's first attack is awful - there are many
better alternatives. Raichu's (delta) Zzzap!
attack is better, doing more damage, and hurting
a great percentage of all decks (ignoring the
fact that Mawile is faster, not being an
evolution and all). However, this review is
about Mawile, and Mawile I shall review...
So, first attack, not really worth it. However,
the second attack is rather interesting. 20
damage is mediocre for two energies, and one of
those is a Metal Energy, which of course, is
limited to 4 a deck. Although, with various ways
of getting around the limitation (Rainbow
Energy, Holon Research Tower), it is quite a
nifty attack. Being able to get rid of even one
of your opponent's cards can disrupt their
entire plan, hence why Rocket's Admin is so
popular (despite the fact that would usually get
more than one card).
Now, with no Poke-Power or Poke-Body to speak of
(although, that would've probably been covered
first), its onto Mawile's stats. 60 HP is
mediocre. There are better Basic Pokemon cards,
HP-wise, like Chansey (90 HP), or for something
with more power, Torkoal (80 HP). But, it does
have a nice resistance to Grass, which is
uncommon for Basic Pokemon. While its weakness
to Fire is pretty standard. With a retreat cost
of 1, where does that leave Mawile?
There are certainly better cards, the previously
mentioned Torkoal has more survivability than
Mawile, while things like Mightyena have far
more prowess for destruction (Mightyena perhaps
being a big help in Mewtric decks, right next to
Manetric ex). So, Mawile should stay as a non-competetive
card, really. While it's second attack is nice,
there's just a feeling of lackluster-ness about
it in general.
Hope you all enjoyed my review, and I will
hopefully be back again to give my ramblings on