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Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 5
Modified: 2
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Kevin89 |
Field Worker
There are way better draw cards here, some of them aren't even a
supporter. If you need direct draw, use Prof oak or Bill. Save
your supporter slots for Oracle ;)
I'd hate to 'give' a card to my opponent. I'd much rather
discard a card of my own, or shuffle one into my deck. Even
better, Steven's Advice usually gives you 3 or more cards
without any drawbacks. just a requirement to play it which is
pretty easy to fulfill.
Take it, draw power is always good. You really need as much
cards as you can get asap. Since you also give your opponent a
card this card doesn't get a 5/5.

Hung |
are ratings are for Modified only.
Fieldworker 2/5 - It's only good in stall decks. Just about any
offensive deck have better draw options, TV Reporter, Steven's
Advice, etc. than giving opponent a free card that can beat you. |
1234 |
-Your opponent draws a card. This could be very risky,
as you may be giving your opponent more options.
-Supporter rule
-You are not required to discard in order to use the
card (as with TV Reporter, Rocket’s Mission, etc.). In
fact, there are no conditional requirements for this
card at all (like not having stage 2 Pokémon in play, or
having less than seven cards in your hand).
-Sometimes, it is a good thing to make your opponent’s
hand larger.
-Make it more difficult for your opponent to use
Steven’s Advice
-You want to use Copycat next turn.
-Your deck uses Vileplume [HP], Medicham [HL], Gengar
EX, Mr. Mime EX or some other Pokémon that punishes your
opponent for having a large hand.
-Your opponent’s draw can be countered the same turn
with an attack from Feraligatr [UF] or Mightyena [DX].
-You want your opponent to deck out.
-Because it’s a supporter, it can be retrieved from the
discard pile with VS Seeker, or from the deck with
-It can’t be shut down by Vileplume EX or Houndoom [UF].
-No shuffling the cards you already have in your hand
(as with Professor Oak’s Research or Rocket’s Admin). If
you have a card you need for a combo in your hand, you
don’t want to get rid of it.
Unlimted: Professor Oak. Professor Elm. Copycat.
Rocket’s Admin. There are plenty of good draw trainers
in Unlimited. Field Worker is not one of them. 1.1/5
Modified: There are scenarios in which you may want to
use Field Worker, but those scenarios are far and few
between. Use TVR, Copycat, Rocket’s Admin, or Mary's
Request. Holon Adventurer, TVR, and Holon Ruins get
cards in your discard pile; (which can be a good thing
in decks like MetaNite and ZRE) Field Worker does not.
Limited: A draw trainer in Limited is good. 4.6/5

Joker Boi |
Feild worker:
Feild worker is a marys that helps your opponent and I
think it is good but others beg to differ. The only
reason this card doesnt appear in my decks is because of
the Holon Engine I could go more into depth with that
but we have yet to review Holon Transciever which is one
of the best cards out right now. Back to Feild
worker...Maybe when the cards get rotated it will be
more playable but I doubt that because the engine will
still be here
Overall: 2/5 Limited: 5/5 Unlimited: Why play