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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Rayquaza - Delta


Holon Phantoms

Date Reviewed: 06.09.06

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Reviews are ratings are for Modified only.

Rayquaza delta from Holon Phantom

Modified 2/5 - Negating Weakness from Water Pokemon isn't big enough to justify deck space for this Pokemon and spending a turn to attach a Holon Energy to it. What are you protecting? Blastoise ex have other major issues, not just its Weakness to Lightning. Walrein ex isn't good enough for competitive play. Any non-ex Pokemon you're better off with Protective Orb.

Try other pokemon here, this one isn't good enough. Both of his attacks don't do a lot of damage, and both have nast requirements.

This is basically a free prize for your opponent, 80 HP is very good on a basic, but you need to flip a coin for outrage, and if tails, you wasted one turn. Flamethrower has a discard requirement which is ok, but not for 40 damage. Houndoom UF also has flamethrower but it does 30 more damage. Rayquaza just isn't good enough.

I guess it's decent here, like most other 80HP basic pokemon. It's attacks aren't really that good though, if you play multiple colors, there's a good chance you run out of fire energy before you got 2 prizes. Outrage is decent here, cause usually Rayquaza won't get one hit KO'ed, allowing it to do some damage back. IF you flip heads. It's a bit situational and pretty hard to play because it needs alot of
(fire) energy, but the HP kind of makes up for all this.
Raichu88 My Name is Rayquaza
I protect the earth
If you battle me
You’ll see what I’m worth.

Unlimited: Neahh, you woulnd’t get the chance do to Flametrower.
And weakness to colorless means Clefable will chew it up.

Rating : 1/5

Modified: Not worth considering there are better Rayquaza’s out there.
Like his ex counterpart. ; -).

Limited: Kinda ok I guess 80 HP is useable ( I played in 1) and didn’t had to use it.

Rating : 1/5

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