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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.20
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Lapras LM
Modified - 3/5 It's helpful for some turn 2 style decks or
decks that needs specific Supporters, decks like Flariados
or Mynx.
You only need 1 in your deck though, because you hate
starting with it.
Raichu88 |
My name is Lapras
What you gonna do
If you put me on the bench
I’ll search a Supportercard for you
Unlimited: We have better search cards for Supporters
then this.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Could be nice in certain decks like Flariados
or T2 Arcanine Ex.
But starting with this is a nightmare worse retreat and
needs 2 Energy to attack.
Rating : 1.5/5
Limited: Yeahh searching for Supporters is nice, since
their aren’t many in Limited.
Starting with it isn’t that bad an 80 HP being basic is
Rating : 2/5 |
0bsol33t |
Lapras - Legend Maker
I'd have to place this Lapras as sub-par for Unlimited,
simply because it's an evolution line that doesn't go
much of anywhere, and Supporters aren't really that big
of a deal in this Format. After all, I'm more likely to
Computer Search or Professor Oak than attempt to use
most Supporters. There are, of course, exceptions -
Professor Oak's Research will be superior to Professor
Elm until the end of time. Town Volunteers has a place
in every deck, and Celio's Network has some pull, as
well. Nevertheless, it's not a large enough chunk of the
deck that I'd waste card space worrying about it. Plus,
Lapras has a rather lukewarm attack...WC for 30. Some
sort of extra condition on that attack would've helped
it out.
I can see some use for Lapras here - almost 100% of the
drawpower is Supporter-based. If you're running a water
deck, this may be a decent addition for when you're
going second and have another Basic already in play.
Drop this onto the bench, get the right supporter for
the moment, then continue with whatever other setup
you've got planned.
Surf is decent, but with no evolutions, it doesn't have
too many possibilities. CC to Retreat may be common for
Modified, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
This card is just plain ridiculous in Limited. This is a
format notorious for Big Basics steamrolling everything,
and the one in question just happens to have searching
ability to provide drawpower, an average attack, and
massive HP. In this format, no evolutions is actually a
positive feature, not a hindering one. Don't let this
card pass you by when you're Drafting.
- 0bsol33t
pojo0bsol33t @ exyxe.com |
Justin K. |
Lapras LM
Lapras is IMO one of the most underestimated cards in
modified right now. If your running a deck that gets its
bench set-up with Mentor/Dual Ball, as opposed to Great
Ball/Plusle I would seriously considar playing this
His HP of 80 is pretty good considaring he's a non ex
basic - his attack is pretty average, doing 30 for 2
energy, and his retreat of 2 is pretty bad.
But why play this card? well, his power allows you to
search for any supporter you like when you play him down
from your hand - Basically if you drop him into play you
can search for Admin, Copycat, Proffesor elms training
method, Mary's, Mentor, TVR, Celios and so many other
game winning cards.
Esentially this guy adds consistancy to your setup and
provides you with and easily obtainable 1 turn
draw/search engine.
There are however risks in playing Lapras, the bigest
one is a Lapras start
- if you don't have swoop/switch etc. you won't be able
to use your starting Jirachi/Plusle till turn 3 - this
is potentially game loosing. Therefore I would say you
shouldn't play more than 1.
Also there are 2 decks where you realy shouldn't be
playing this card, Jynxfett and Mynx, here the opponant
can pull this card into active and give you a basic with
5 retreat.
Unlimited - 1.0/5 - No supporters used here...
Modified - 3.5/5 - depending on the deck this is a
pretty smart play, just make sure you play it at the
right time, against the right decks.
Limited - 2.0/5 - Hes a basic with high hp which is
great, but a attack of 30, and the lack of supporters
you'll get will hurt this here.