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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Primeape Delta
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.20
Modified: 2.20
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Primeape delta
Modified - 1/5 Sorry, it's next to impossible to accumulate
damage counters without getting KO'd, making the second
attack weak, and the first attack isn't powerful enough.
1234 |
Attacks that discard stadiums from play
are not uncommon, (and have been around since G1) but
Primeape δ’s attack does additional damage if there is a
stadium card in play. Another thing that makes this
attack different, is you have no choice in discarding
the stadium. If effects from stadiums are not part of
your deck’s win condition, this should not be a problem.
Primeape’s second attack is very similar
to other attacks that do damage proportional to the
damage on itself. However, what makes Primeape stand out
is that instead of 10 additional damage for each damage
counter, it is 20 additional damage for each damage
counter on Primeape.
Combinations: -With Double Rainbow
Energy, you could do 50 damage on the first turn, if you
are able to evolve with Rare Candy/Wally’s Training and
get a stadium in play.
-Primeape’s HP is a little low. 70 is the
minimum for a stage 1 to have and not be considered
crap. “Flames
of Rage” can do 130 damage, but that’s only if it has
exactly 60 damage. What would make that a lot easier?
Focus Band! Focus Band can keep it alive for a little
longer and allow you to do lots of damage for 3 energy.
-Energy Root
could also be helpful, allowing you to do up to 170
damage with Primeape, but I think Focus Band is better.
-Search cards
like Magcargo [DX] can ensure that you can play a
stadium every turn (to do more damage with “Wreck”.
Scott could help too.
Being fire instead of its traditional type (fighting)
gives it the ability to FTKO Scyther [JU]. “Wreck” is
helpful against Chaos Gym. 3/5
This could be a legitimate central attacker for a deck.
Not enough to be in an archetype deck, however.
Nothing special about this card. Good luck getting
stadiums into play. 2/5
Raichu88 |
My name is Primeape
I’m Mankey’s last stage
I’ll do 10 + 20 damage
With my Flames of Rage
Unlimited: Neahh, Flames of Rage is too expensive.
You have other Pokemon that can do rage much cheaper.
Modified: Not good not bad, discarding a stadium isn’t
always good.
But Flames of Rage isn’t bad.
Rating: 1.5/5
Limited: Well could go well here as a game finisher.
Cause you really don’t discard much stadiums here. But
one final shot Flames of Rages could kill an important
Stage 2 or such.
Rating : 3/5 |
Justin K |
Primape d HP
This card is probably the most fun you'll be likley to
play - This guy has 70HP, which is pretty disapointing
for a stage 1, but I love both the attacks. The first
will the majority of the time do 60 for just 2 energy,
as almost all decks run 4-5 counter stadiums - for the
cost ths is a pretty nice attack.
His main attack is pretty intresting - you discard 2
energy, which can be done with a DRE, then you do 10,
plus 20 for each damage counter on him - on a 70hp
pokemon thius has its limits, I would combine this with
energy root - allowing his HP tank to be a little
better. In terms of recovering the energy lost, there
seems to be a very interesting combo with Metagross dx,
who would not only recover 1-2 Steel energy that you
could have discarded, it would add an extra 20-40 damage
to its attack. This reminds me a little of the combo
between Scizor ex and Metagross dx we say in the Cities
this year. You could also use cards like Rainbow energy
and Venture bomb to build up his damage.
His bottom stats are ok too, free retreat is pretty cool
for a stage 1 card.
Unlimited - 1/5 I'm seeing combos, but nothing thats
going to survive in the format
Modified - 2.5/5 - I like this card much more than most
people, but I think that the combos, although good, rely
on him having a very low HP for flames of rage. Unlike
Scizor, the metal energy would not help defend him, and
you may well find its too risky and inconsistant to be
very succesful. He could be good in DX-on format
Limited 4/5 - Pretty good here, hes stage 1, and
uncommon which makes him playable - also damage tends to
whittle your HP down rather than make a 1HKO, He is
definatly worth playing, even in a 1-1 line. |
0bsol33t |
Primeape - Holon
Nice, strong attacks for cheap prices - this kind of
Uncommon brings back memories from the early days of the
game. I can see people using this as a nice Fire splash
in many kinds of decks - especially as counters to
Slowking decks that abuse their powers to keep Stadiums
in play. I've also actually played against an Unlimited
deck that was packing the Golduck (delta species) that
keeps opponents from playing Stadiums - this would've
been nice to have. With Double Colorless Energy and Gold
Berry, the second attack is nearly unstoppable - if it's
got 40 damage, you discard DCE, deal 90 damage, and get
your 40 damage healed. Free Retreat, Psychic
Weakness...I've seen stuff that hurts a card much, much
worse than these stats.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are many, many rogue
decks using this card as an enforcer. Energy Root adds
on an extra 20 HP to this bad, baaad monkey and makes it
possible to deal damage up to 170 for just discarding 2
Energy (Scramble, DRE, Boost would be eligible to cover
this price). Golduck (delta species) is more commonly
seen here, so it's possible you won't be able to get rid
of the opponent's Stadium without it. Then again, it
would be killer to play a Giant Stump, forcing your
opponent to discard 1 or 2 of their Benched Pokémon,
then slap the active with 60 damage and get rid of the
Stadium you just played. As a free Retreat Stage 1,
they're swarmable, too. There are less Trainer cards to
support and maintain in this format than Unlimited
though, so it's rating drops as well as its viability.
This card's usefulness is largely dependent upon the
rest of your Draft. If you can lay hands on 2, or even 3
or 4, Stadium cards then Primeape is a force to be
reckoned with. It's sporting only 70 HP, plus you have
to Evolve it, meaning it may not stay on the field too
long...but the opponent should watch out when it's got
about 40 or 50 damage on it, Flames of Rage can take a
large bite out of their forces. Free Retreat is great,
but I think a Resistance (maybe to
Colorless?) would've helped it.
- 0bsol33t
pojo0bsol33t @ exyxe.com |