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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.05
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Nosepass HP
Modified 1/5 - Sorry, it's a waste of deck space. You can't
possibly hope to win with this card, can you? The attacks are so
weak and so overpriced. |
1234 |
60 HP and lack of ability to evolve make this an easy
target for OHKOs. 1/5
Being able to do a total of 40 damage to your opponent’s
Pokémon is good, but Jynx [UF] can already do that (it
requires one more energy, but at least you get to choose
exactly how the damage is distributed). Its first attack
requires you to flip, which is not good for confusion,
as it is the easiest special condition for your opponent
to remove. If a flip weren’t required, this card could
be playable. 1.5/5
This card could be relatively versatile in this format.
It can damage the active Pokémon, it can cause
confusion, and it can damage the bench. Basic Pokémon
that don’t evolve are much more playable in Limited, as
evolution is more difficult to accomplish.
3/5 |
Raichu88 |
My name is Nosepass
I won’t step a side
I’ll hurt your bench too
With my Rock Slide
Unlimited: Not worth it, weakness to water with
Blastoise and Suicune around is dangerous.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Nope 60 HP is to weak everything playable can
knock it out.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Hitting the bench is nice and Confusion isn’t
that bad.
Sure if you nothing better take it.
Rating : 1.5/5 |
0bsol33t |
Nosepass - Holon
No. Just...no. x_X
60 HP is wayyy too low for a Basic Pokémon in Unlimited
that doesn't have killer attacks. 60 HP works fine for
the Electabuzz from Sandstorm, which can jolt the
Defending or Benched Pokémon for 40 damage for LCC.
That's fine - but there's no helpful powerhouse move
here. C for 10 and chance of Confusion is decent, though
Confusion lost a lot of power years ago when they
changed it from its' original effects. As it stands
currently, you can Retreat out of it - and most of the
starting Pokémon in Unlimited have free Retreat. Rock
Slide does 20 to the active and 10 to any two benched of
your choice - once again, decent, but you're forced to
split that damage up. Over the course of three turns,
you could take out a Baby Pokémon or two.
Sadly, I don't think Nosepass would last that long, and
since it doesn't evolve, it's something of a dead end
Swoop! is a big card nowadays - power up one Pokémon,
then snag another from the deck and evolve the new one.
It would be plausible to Confuse a Jirachi first turn,
then do a tiny bit of damage to the Bench while you set
up for a Swoop! on the third turn. Also, for anything
Fighting-weak, 40 Damage plus 20 spread over the bench
could be decent - not much more than decent, but it is
what it is. A Retreat cost of just 1 is mediocre, and 60
HP is a bit low, but livable if you need the attacks to
Nosepass is a pretty good filler Pokémon in a Draft deck
that's already running Fighting. It can inflict a
Special Condition, which is always good in Draft, and it
can spread damage around while you power up something
meaner on the Bench. Water Weakness really depends on
what your opponents draft, as far as how much it'll hurt
you - just try to make sure the other Fighting Pokémon
you have aren't all weak to the same kind of Pokémon.
- 0bsol33t
pojo0bsol33t @ exyxe.com |