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EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Lunatone was a hyped up Pokemon before it came out in Legend
Maker, because it shuts off Magcargo's Smooth Over. Combined
with Solrock it shuts off Pidgeot's Quick Search.
Unlimited - There are no playable colorless or fire Pokemon
to worry about, so no reason to use it here. 1/5
Modified - Lunatone and Solrock shut off Smooth Over and
Quick Search. And since so many people use Pidgeot and
Magcargo, LunaSol makes a good combo right? Well not really,
that makes it bad. Just try to think of a good deck that
doesn't use Magcargo or Pidgeot. .... That's the reason it
doesn't work. Basically no deck can function without Pidgeot
or Magcargo, therefore no decks can use it. Medicham ex
comes to mind but that shuts off all powers anyway. By using
the Lunasol combo you're giving up the chance to use your
own Pidgeot/Cargo, so there's really no decks worth putting
them in. 2/5
Limited - Well it can search for Fossils n stuff, but
Psyshock is sucky. 10 damage only :( 2/5

Hung |
are ratings are for Modified only.
Lunatone: 3.5/5 It fits in some decks quite well, and works
together with Solrock. You can't run one without the other.
Lunatone and Solrock together can really slow an opponent down
by taking away two of the most powerful Poke-Powers: Quick
Search and Smooth Over. However, you need an attacker and a deck
that can fit Lunatone and Solrock together. One possibility is
Arcanine ex, because it's a stage 1 with decent attacks. I like
Lunatone more than Solrock because I can search for any trainer
that is non-Supporter.
Raichu88 |
Lunatone the Pokemon that wil Moon you :-P:- P
Unlimited: I don’t see the use here. Sneasel has resistance for
it, and will easily kill it having 60 HP. An even together with
Solrock it won’t even stop much here.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well here it a little underrated cause most people say
it’s worthless. But I have come up with a deck that works fine
with it namely Hariyama T2 that plus Solrock and you have a
deck. Now I know it might not seem consistent, but the way I
build the deck it’s very consistent. Not the brag about it but a
friend of mine played it on a City Championschip and got third
place. That’s the underrated part I mean ;-).
Rating : 2/5 on it’s own 3/5 in Hariyama T2
Limited: No not here to weak, although it can search a trainer.
Rating : 1/5