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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
React Energy
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Limited: 4.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
React Energy
Unlimited - I don't think it'd be good in this format, since
ER and SER would just remove em, and you can only have 4, so
once they're gone they're gone. 1/5
Modified - If you're using this in a deck with a Pokemon
that uses React Energy to get extra effects, then put 4 of
these in. Just try to not let the Pokemon with them attached
get KOed. 4/5
Limited - Lots of Pokemon in LM can use react energy, so if
you get a couple of these I'd put them in. 3/5 |

Hung |
are ratings are for Modified only.
React Energy - 3/5
If you have Pokemon that can take advantage of it, definitely
run 4. Otherwise, don't run them. If you have a deck that runs
React Energy, Delcatty can be useful in saving precious React
Energies too, through manipulation. |

Thundachu |
React Energy
Overview: Wow ;x. I just today found out that they had
released a new Pokemon set since Delta Species ;/. As
you can see I've been playing alot ;x. Regardless, just
by looking at React Energy, Id say it is pretty good.
Provides colorless energy, a nice replacement from Base
Set's DCE, even if it only provides one. Is good for
Anarith because it allows it to do 20 damage, then 20
damage to a bench as well. Also good on Gengar as it can
place 4 damage on any Pokemon of your choice, instead of
2. A good addition to any deck whether it be for adding
to an attack, or just for providing colorless.
Unlimited: I'd play DCE instead, as it provides 2, and I
don't see many Legend Makers cards being played in
Unlimited. 2/5
Modified: Good for quick colorless energy additions, but
limited due to 4 limit for being a non-basic energy. I'd
say definitely play it if using Gengar or Anarith. 3/5
Draft: Really good here IMO simply because it is quick
energy, and won't use your somewhat limited supply of
basic energy. Plus, being uncommon you have a fairly
good chance of drafting it. 4.5/5
PS: Basically since I haven't played in forever, and
only wrote this because I was bored, some of my facts
will probably be wrong...and I am going on the word of
my friend that Gengar and Anarith (never even heard of
that one ;[) are even in the set. So don't take this
review to heart ;x. |

Kevin89 |
React energy has only 5 words of text, though react's
score pretty much represents the playability of the
overreactive pokemon that Legend Maker brought us in a
format. so this COTD provides colorless
Unlimited: 1.5/5
(ER, SER =[ )
Modified: 4/5
(machamp, gengar, armaldo ex, arcanine ex, are all
decent to excellent cards to work with)
Limited: 5/5
(the whole set is themed around this card, what can I
say?) |
Raichu88 |
My type is colorless
Pokemon Respond to me
Do you know who I am
I'm React Energy
Unlimited: ER/SER
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Wel a
lot of Pokemon respond to it but has no use on it’s
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Good
here lot of Pokemon use React so if you get some
take some. ;-)
Rating : 3/5