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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lugia EX
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Lugia ex
Ahh this card is easy to write about since it's used in so many
people's decks. All you need is a Blastoise ex in play, a W
Energy, a Holon's Electrode, and you OHKO every Pokemon under
the sun. Its Poke-power is helpful early in the game, since if
your opponent hits Lugia, their energy could go back to their
hand. In the mid-late game, after Lugia ex is able to attack
every turn, the power might do more hurt than help, since energy
will be going back to their hand that could've just gone to the
discard pile when you KOed the pokemon with 200 damage next
turn. Then again it does make the opponent's hand more
copycattable, and if you Admin them their deck will be more
diluted with energy, which could help if they're trying to draw
into Pokemon/trainers and not energy.
Unlimited - If you're gonna use a Blastoise deck, just use the
Base set version. And don't use Lugia ex, use Suicune ex. I mean
stuff used in unlimited usually has lower HP than modified. 2/5
Modified - Very common in LBS decks. Using 2 of them would
probably be best. Use it to KO anything with 110 HP and above,
and use Steelix ex to snipe the bench at things that have 100 HP
or less. 5/5
Limited - Pretty good. Can stop your opponent from getting
enough energy to keep attacking. But taking 3 turns to charge up
is pretty bad. 3/5

Hung |
are ratings are for Modified only.
Lugia ex - 4.5/5 200 damage basically One Hit KO anything - and
with Blastoise ex and Holon's Electrode or Holon's Magneton,
it's not hard to fulfill its attack requirements. Nevertheless,
your constant use of Energy Rain and 100 HP as an ex Pokemon
don't last very long, so make sure you make the most of it while
you have it alive.

Thundachu |
Lugia EX
Overview: Ah Lugia EX, one of my favorites for rainbow
deck usage ;x. The Body in my opinion is pretty useless.
You get to flip a coin if Lugia EX is active and damaged
by an opponent's attack, and if heads, choose 1 energy
attached the attacking pokemon, and return it to your
opponent's hand. I find it useless because the next
turn, your opponent can jusr re-add the energy back, and
nothing is lost -_-. The attack is beastly, but costly
at the same time as well. Elemental Blast (sounds so
famillar from Neo Genesis ;/), does 200 damage, but you
need to discard 1 fire, 1 water, and 1 lightning energy.
Even for 200 damage, I don't know if it is worth it.
100HP is low in my opinion as well for an ex, plus it
has the disadvantage of if it is knocked out, your
opponent gets 2 prizes. Weakness to psychic makes
Gardevoir a problem, but does anyone even play Garde
anymore since it was rotated out of Modified? ;x.
Resistance to fighting will come in handy and prolong
the basically inevitable knockout, as will the retreat
of 1. All in all, I would only suggest playing it if you
are running a rainbow deck, but even then there are
better cards out there.
Unlimited: Would take way too much time to get all
powered up, and too much of a discard cost here as well.
There are much better ex cards to be played in
Unlimited. 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Draft: 2.5/5
Raichu88 |
My name is Lugia ex
Your Pokemon won’t last
I wipe everthing out
With my Elemental Blast
Unlimited: Nope ER and SER wil destroy it.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Ahh the key card in BSL a deck that becoming
very popular. In fact the deck is quit consistent but
very expensive. Sure it can deal with a lot in today’s
Modified, but nothing is unbeatable. There are some
cheaper decks that can beat like it Rock Lock or
Overall it’s great in BSL but worse on it’s own.
Rating : 2.5/5
Limited: Sure take it 3 for 200 >_< = Kill everthing.
You need to discard that’s a downside here but still
it’s 200.
Rating : 2/5