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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 2
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Unlimited - It'll just get ERed and SERed. 1/5
Modified - Pretty good how you can attach multiple energy in
1 turn. But I'm not sure who would be good to attack
multiple energy to. Swift isn't bad but kinda a poor attack
for a stage 2. I think it'll become a shoebox card unless
some awesome combo is found. 2/5
Limited - Attaching multiple energy in this format is great.
And 2 resistances can help a bunch. 4/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Flygon from Holon Species
Ahh, to be a super secret reviewer of unreleased
cards... :-P
So despite that entertainment, I'm thinking this is
perhaps a decent card in unlimited. When I see his power
I think of perhaps a new Raindancer. Problems: he only
lets you do one energy, it has to be a delta Poke.
Positives: it can be any type of basic energy or a delta
Rainbow. Blastoise is just too dominant for this guy to
catch up. Only one energy is really going to hinder his
chances of competing with the water king. His HP is
good... but his attack is nothing to brag about. Just
stick with the original Raindance man in unlimited.
Unlimited Rating 1.5/5
~R Pac~

Hung |
Flygon d 3/27/06
Unlimited: 1/5 - There are much better attackers and
Energy enhancers out there.
Modified: 2/5 - The Poke-Power looks very attractive,
but it fits only with Delta Pokemon. So what Delta
Pokemon can take advantage of this? I mean Metagross
delta works a lot better with Dragonite delta or
Electrode ex. So you need something like Salamence delta
to take advantage, and with that Metagross from Deoxys
is a much better option for recycling your Metal
Energies and reusing them every turn.
The other problem is Flygon delta is a stage 2. Anytime
you have to invest in a Stage 2 line, it better be a
game winning card. Pidgeot, Blastoise ex, Dark Tyranitar,
etc., are game winning cards.
Nevertheless, I don't know all the cards in Holon
Phantom yet, and I am making a judgment, based on what
I've seen in the scans online, Flygon delta and Gyarados
delta, and the rest of the old cards.
Limited: 4/5 - If I get this in my Prerelease, and I
have the Trapinch and Vibrava, I'll gladly run the
Flygon d. |
Raichu88 |
My name is Flygon
I love to Fly
I attach energy
With my Delta Supply
Unlimited: Neahh if you want to attach multiple energy
use Blastoise. ;-)
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well attaching extra energy is nice (and not
being an ex to do it ;-). I now
Something could be made with it but just needs the right
combo to do it . Until then I’ll be
Looking out for a card that combo’s it. Maybe next
format. ;-)
Rating : 2.5/5
Limited: Extra energy is nice here as you can setup
quicker and could attack if needed.
Rating : 3/5