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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 2.85
Limited: 2.7
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Unlimited - Latias is only good for his Poke-Body since its
attacks suck. The only evolved Pokemon with a great
Poke-Body is Vileplume ex, but that's an ex, so I think it's
unusable in this format. 1/5
Modified - Let's see the poke-bodies it stops. Well it stops
Rocklock, so that's good. Shuts down Liability decks, since
they can't finish you off with typhlosion or victreebel's
body. Shuts down Magcargo UF's power, in case you're afraid
of fighting. It makes nidoqueen's body turn off X(. I guess
if you're in a rocklock area you could throw this in with a
Latios. 3/5
Limited - Drawing a card for only C can help you get setup.
Dragon Claw is a nice solid attack and 2 resistances is
always good. 3/5

Hung |
Latias delta
Unlimited: 1/5 - It can stop some Poke-Bodies by
combining either Latios or Latios ex, but it's not worth
the trouble, and the attacks are not good enough.
Modified: 2/5 - This sounds really harsh, but stopping
Poke-Bodies just doesn't do enough for you. Again, the
attacks are below average.
Limited: 4/5 - Decent Basic with decent attacks - at
least compared to other Basics and in the sealed format
in general - is something I'll take and insert into my
deck whenever possible (at my Prerelease).

One of the few cards that can turn off Poké-Bodies.
Latias, when combined with Latios, (or a new Latios ex?)
is one of the few cards that can deal with Dark Ampharos'
Darkest Impulse and Dark Tyranitar's Sand Damage. It has
some other uses, such as turning off Jynx's and
Wobbuffet's Stages of Evolutions, and Nidoqueen's Family
Bonds. However, none of these make adding Latias and
Latios to your deck a good choice, as it is only Rock
Lock that relies heavily on it's evolved Poké-Bodies.
I expect Latios to have the same exact Poké-Body, not
two Poké-Bodies that each activate each other, like
Legend Maker's Lunatone/Solrock combo. Without a strong
bonus from Latios, Latias can definitely be left in the
Each of these basics are a joke to attack with, as they
are easily overpowered by dozens of evolutions in
today's modified. The threatening Poké-Bodies of evolved
Pokémon are mostly just Dark Ampharos and Dark Tyranitar,
which are among many of the things Battle Frontier can
take care of.
Modified: 1.5/5
Unlimited it's a joke. With thousands and thousands of
cards to choose from, and no evolved (non-ex) Poké-Bodies
in any of the best decks, Latias is clearly unplayable.
Limited isn't bad as it can do decent damage without
needing an evolution. I always like strong basics in
limited. (4/5)
1234 |
It's on fire. It is fire type, but it's weak to
colorless as though it were a colorless "dragon" Pokemon. This can only mean one thing- it's a delta
Pokemon! As of now, there are no disadvantages to a
Pokemon being ¦Ä, but there are plenty of advantages
(can be used in combination with trainers from Delta
Species), so Latias will get extra points for that.
The first attack is average. For one energy of any type,
you get to draw are card. We've seen this before. The
second attack is nothing out of the ordinary, either.
It's Poke-Body is the reason to play it. There are
hundreds of evolved Pokemon (excluding Pokemon-EX)
with Poke-Bodies (around 170 in Modified, over 450 in
Unlimited). What does Latias's Poke-Body shut down?
-Brock's Primeape's "Scram"
-Lombre's "Natural Cure"
-Claydol's "Primal Pull"
-Machoke's "Paranoid"
-Sabrina's Alakazam's "Psylink"
-Shedinja's "Wonder Guard"
-Dark Gengar's "Deep Sleep"
-"Dual Armor" and "Crystal Type" Poke-Bodies that
your opponent can use to alter their Pokemon's type
and utilize weakness.
-Damage-reducing Poke-Bodies like "Intimidating
Pattern" (Masquerain), "Exoskeleton" (Shelgon),
"Intimidating Fang" (Arbok) or "Dense" (Quagsire )
-Free Retreat Poke-Bodies like Metang's "Levitate" -Ninjask's
"Fast Protection" -Muk's "Stench" or Slaking's "Lazy" -Octillery's
"Super Suction Cups" -Dark Feraligatr's "Scare" -Ursaring's
Ring" -Xatu's "Mirror Coat" -And let's not forget
Dark Vileplume's "Hay Fever"
Unlimited: This kills Aerodactyl Rock-Lock, Aerodactyl/Ninjask,
and other Aerodactyl decks. Good against Dark Vileplume.
Modified: Plenty of beneficial Poke-Bodies to stop (that's
only a small list). Make sure you put some counter-gyms
in your deck to protect yourself against Giant Stump, (Don't
want to use up two spots on your bench for this when
only 3 spots are available) like a Cursed Stone, or a
Battle Frontier so you can punish them for relying on
Poke-Powers as well. Watch out for Feraligatr EX. 3/5
Limited: Well, Latios is in this set, so you get to use
Latias's Poke-Body. But, according to set spoilers,
there won't be many Poke-Bodies in this set. Latias
has almost zero value here. 1/5