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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Legend Maker
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3.7
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
1234 |
Girafarig’s Poké-Body is distinctive in the fact that it
is a beneficial Poké-Body that does not require the user
to have the Pokémon as his/her active Pokémon in order
to take advantage of it. Girafarig’s Poké-Body shuts
down Poké-Powers of active non-EX basic Pokemon. What
does that include?
-Ditto’s “Transform”
-Sudowoodo’s “Mimic”
-And a few others. The most important one, IMO, is
Jirachi [DX]. It’s a great way to help a player set up
in the beginning of a game. If you can stop it, you have
just given your opponent a major inconvenience.
Unlimited: Who uses Jirachi here? 1/5
Modified: Can be used as a tech in many different decks,
if you’re afraid of Jirachi (or some other basic Pokémon
with a Poké-Power that just happens to be active). I
don’t think Girafarig is worth it. Maybe in a deck
completely based on shutting down Poké-Powers/Bodies,
but outside that, I’d rather use special conditions to
stop Poké-Powers like Wishing Star. The attacks are
average (Absol [HP] and Lunatone [DS] have foresight).
I’ll give Girafarig a few more points because it could
stop “Baby Evolution.” 2/5
Limited: Shuts down Magby, Wynaut , Mew (but only if
they’re active). It’s Poké-Body is worthless. Foresight
has good potential here (due to lack of search/draw
trainers). 3/5

Joker Boi |
This is a card that everyone must AT LEAST have one of
because it is sssooo splashable. If you are not playing
a deck with Jirachi DX you almost HAVE to play this
card. Since this card isnt ex I am not going into full
detail. The thing that MAKES this card is its ability
which shuts down all active basic powers. You might
think "Who cares?" If you think that you must obviously
not be competitivly playing pokeman right now. This Lil
Giraffe shuts DOWN Jirachi which is played in about
60-%80 of the good decks that are out right now. Also
Jiraffe can stop eevee uf if you ever run into one and
baby evoulutions. Foresight and Disorder are also
helpful especially foresight to possibly swoop. But
Giraffes main purpose is to stop Jirachi. And JIRACHI
Modified 4.5/5
Limited 4/5
unlimited~I am sure there are better cards
Raichu88 |
My name is Girafarig
Look at my name
If you spell it backwards
You get the same
Unlimited: There are better ways to stop powers like
Magby or Igglybuff.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Quite nice stops Jirachi wich is quit heavily
played right now.
But it needs the right deck to fit in.
Rating : 2/5
Limted: Could be nice, it’s attacks are quit fair
Rating : 1.5/5