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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Flygon ex δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.87
Modified: 3.9
Limited: 1.875
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Flygon ex (DF)
Flygon ex brings back the deadly "Sand Damage" Poke-Body
from Dark Tyranitar back to modified. As anyone who played
this format will recall, this Poke-Body was one of the best
in the game when combined with the right cards.
Unfortunately, one of the most necessary assets to abuse
this Poke-Body was Ancient Technical Machine [Rock], a card
that has rotated out. The absence of this card turns a near
broken Poke-Body into only a decent one. Now, your best
chance at abusing Sand Damage is Espeon ex.
Its attack obviously works in combination with the
Poke-Body, but unfortunately, by the time you have this
Pokemon out, your opponent's Pokemon will probably be
evolved too. This means your opponent's benched Pokemon will
not have taken Sand Damage. Regardless, PPC 80 is a very
solid attack by itself.
Flygon ex d benefits highly from having a very playable
Flygon d. Flygon d can speed up your ability to use Psychic
A fast Flygon ex d will win you games. If your opponent has
not evolved many of his Pokemon, Sand Damage and Psychic
Pulse damage will add up very quickly.
Flygon ex d may look extremely broken, but keep in mind
there are not many ways to abuse Sand Damage like there used
to be. However, with 150 HP, no weakness, a solid attack,
AND a playable non-ex evolution, we obviously have a very
strong card.
Modified: 4/5
Here we can play ATM [Rock] (although not on Flygon ex d,
which hurts), and can abuse cards like Aerodactyl (Fossil),
to keep our opponent's Pokemon at basics. Still, a very
slow, Energy Removeable target.
Unlimited: 2/5
Stage2's are very weak in limited events, as you not only
have to be lucky enough to pull the basics and stage one's,
but then hope to draw into each of the evolutions. Although
this is about as sick of an attack and Poke-Body as you
could get in limited, being a Stage2 drastically weakens it.
Limited: 1.5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Flygon ex d
Flygon ex d is one of the brand spankin’ new Stage 2 EXs
from Dragon Frontiers. 150 HP is great, and no weakness is
amazing. Sand Damage is one of my favorite Poke-Bodies of
all time, and Psychic Pulse is quite strong for just 3
energy. Will definitely fit well into decks that already run
Flygon d from Holon Phantoms.
Unlimited: Sand Damage is amazing in Unlimited. Baby Pokemon
and Sneasel are gone within a matter of turns. Unfortunately
though, when you’re an EX that takes 3 energy to attack,
don’t expect to actually attack any time soon, as ER and SER
are going to eat you up. Stick with Dark Tyranitar, as it
can use Double Rainbow Energy and Scramble Energy, while
still having Sand Damage support. 2/5
Modified: I don’t like it much here. The only basic based
decks are Latios/Latias and Lunasol, and those decks both
suck these days. You’re mostly going to be dealing with
evolutions, so Sand Damage is going to be useless. You might
pick off a Castform every once in a while, but that’s not
really worth it. Maybe combine it with Unown E to drag
Castforms and Magnemites out of your opponent’s hand,
leaving them to eventually hang to Sand Damage. The attack
is pretty much ensuring a 2hko, which will just leave you
even in the prize exchange, as you’re probably getting
2hkoed as well (or even 1 by things like Latios/Latias* or
Lugia ex). 3/5
Limited: If you get this out in limited, it should be
impossible to lose. Psychic Pulse is easily OHKOing
anything, and Sand Damage will pretty much dominate all of
your opponents little Delta basics. 5/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Flygon ex Dragon Frontiers
Modified 4/5 - It has a good attack, along with a powerful
Poke-Body. This card reminds me of Dark Tyranitar with Sand
Damage, but its attack does 80 raw damage consistently, for the
most part. That's good. Also, there are ways to easily
accelerate Energy (Flygon delta or Flygon ex from Legend Maker).
It is vulnerable to fast decks that runs Cessation Crystals, but
Flygon ex from Dragon Frontiers should be a serious contender
for City Championships.
Limited 5/5 - If I have the Basic and stage 1 needed, then this
is a no brainer for me to build a deck around it.
Professor Elm |
WOW! This is one
of the best cards in DF.
I am really tired
though so it may not be a great review.
Unlimited 1.5/5
Maybe I am being
a little harsh, BUT stage 2 ex's usually don't go
over well here.
Modified: 4.5/5
WOW! Just WOW!
This may be an overrated card but it is truly
amazing at the same time. OK 80 for 3 is already
great, BUT then 10 to every bench is awesome. Its
body also does 10 to all basics between turns. WOW!
AND its stats are PHENOMENAL!!!!!!! NO WEAKNESS! AND
150 HP!!!!! Snap!!!! Psychic is a pretty good type
right now with this and Banette ex. Both Banette ex
and Flygon ex d. should be fighting for the best
psychic Pokemon in the game right now. Banette ex is
SLIGHTLY better IMO but none the less Flygon should
get TONS of credit.
EXPECT to see
this at cities and probably states too.
Limited 5/5
If you get all
the stages RUN IT. Simple as that. It is too good to
pass up in limited.
Until next time
homies! Peace! AND LATE Happy Halloween. (Sorry I
didn't review yesterday.)

Computer Guy |
Flygon ex from EX Dragon Frontier.
Flygon ex is one of the most powerful ex's in Dragon
Frontier. Sand Damage is back and is better than ever
especially because Flygon ex's attack can also damage
the bench. Not to mention it does 80 damage to the
active pokemon. 150HP is awesome for a stage 2 ex
pokemon and Flygon doesn't even have a weakness.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 5/5