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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gardevoir ex δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.08
Modified: 3.11
Limited: 3.92
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Gardevoir ex d
Any card that can shut off Poke-Bodys and Poke-Powers is
always good. Imprison is great against many of the most
popular modified cards, including Mew ex, Metagross d,
Dragonite d, Metagross (DX), and more. One of the few decks
Imprison doesn't hurt is Delta (Raichu d/Exeggutor d), which
conveniently is made of Pokemon with 80 HP and less. (OHKO
Targets with Flame Ball.)
Modified: 5/5
As far as I know, shutting off Poke-Bodys and Poke-Powers
means it would shut off Pokemon Powers. This technicality
will single-handedly determine if the card is great or
horrible. With the most current ruling I've heard, Gardevoir
ex d has almost infinite Pokemon Powers it can disable.
Unlimited: 4/5
Stage2's are horrible in limited, as they require tremendous
luck to both draft the basics and the stage one, and then
more luck to draw into it.
Limited: 1/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Gardevoir ex d
Second Stage 2 Dragon Frontier’s EX we’re reviewing this
week, and definitely my favorite. Gardevoir ex d is quite
good. 150 HP is great. Psychic weakness isn’t, as Mew ex is
quite popular, but you have a built in Poke-Power to protect
yourself from his antics. Gardy’s Poke-Power allows you to
put a Seal Marker on any of you opponents Pokemon, which
shuts off their Powers and Bodies. This is devastating to
things like Mew ex, which would normally crush Gardy due to
its Psychic weakness. I cant even lost how many cards this
Power is useful against. The attack is also quite good when
combined with Gardy d from Delta Species. You can
continually move your energy back and forth to keep it safe
from your opponents Pokemon between attacks. This should
save you quite a few energy drops as the game progresses.
Unlmited: Another stage 2 that doesn’t quite cut it. Energy
Removal makes you absolutely useless. 1/5
Modified: This should be a contender for Cities. Combined
with Gardy d from DS, you have a strong combination of hard
hitting and energy manipulation, along with some disruption
in the form of imprison. 4/5
Limited: Obviously good. 150 HP and a strong attack are
always a big factor. Imprison probably isn’t very good, but
everything else makes up for it. 4/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Gardevoir ex from Dragon Frontiers
Modified 3/5 - I think it's a very good card, but it may not be
good enough to win City Championships. It really loses to
Banette ex (Psychic Weakness) and decks that doesn't need
Poke-Bodies or Poke-Powers such as Kingler delta/Raichu delta,
and those decks should be quite popular.
Limited 5/5 - Again, if I have its Basic and Stage 1, I am
definitely running Gardevoir ex delta for all its worth.
1234 |
Gardevoir EX has reasonable HP, Retreat, and Weakness
for a stage 2 Pokémon-EX. Imprison markers can only be
removed by evolution or devolution (or if you Briney
your Pokémon, I guess). This is somewhat inferior to
Cessation Crystal, in that you can only stop Poké-Bodies/Powers
one Pokémon at a time (instead of all at once). Also,
the cost of being able to shut down Poké-Bodies/Powers,
is the turns it takes to get a stage 2 Pokemon into play
(with Cessation Crystal, you can easily get it out turn
one). However, “Imprison” doesn’t shut off your Poké-Bodies/Powers,
and, unlike Cessation Crystal, Houndoom/Manectric EX
won’t prevent you from using it.
80 damage for 3 energy with Flame Ball is decent. Using
the optional transfer of one fire energy to the bench,
this card could work well with Gardevoir [DS], in a
“never out of energy” deck.
Unlimited: “Imprison” means little to a player who can
build a “Muk [FO] on the bench with a good attacker
active” deck. 1.9/5
Modified: Being able to shut down the Poké-Body/Power of
any of your opponent’s Pokémon without regard to whether
it is metal/basic/δ/evolved/active (as with Battle
Frontier/Space Center/Holon Legacy/Lati@s/Girafarig) is
very convenient. 3.3/5
Limited: It’s nice to be able to shut down “Holon Veil”
and “Evolutionary Call”. 4.5/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Computer Guy |
Gardevoir ex from Ex Dragon Frontier.
Gardevoir ex is a good looking ex but the main problem
with its Poke-Power is Cessation Crystal does the same
thing and it's a trainer card. Also the new Tropious can
get rid of all Imprison Markers on your opponents
pokemon. The attack is nice and the HP is good too. I
think there are better ex's in the set.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 5/5

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of
The Day is…Gardevoir EX from
Dragon Frontiers
Talk about
disruption!!! Gardy’s Power Imprison lets you place an
imprison marker on a pokemon with a power or body, and
shut down that power or body for the whole game, the
only way to remove the marker is to evolve or devolve or
remove from play. THAT IS A MAJOR OPTION. Flame ball
does solid 80 damage for FCC, and with out discarding
energy is pretty cheap as far as fire attacks. With only
1 weakness, it is a solid EX that will see some play.
Too Bad Psychic is the strongest type in the game right
Of course Gardy from DS…But his ability to attack and
share the energy is a nice option, maybe a fire or
colorless pokemon with a medium to high attack cost.
Energy ball 2-3 times, then send in Rayquaza* and finish
the game
Body makes him Very Playable, but with the psychic
weakness he is going to hit hard times in the current
150hp and swinging for 80 he will cause problems, if you
can keep the energy on him.
(Plus or minus
$2 dollars)
~Muk Man~
For questions or
comments, send an email to
Espeon |
Gardevoir ex d:
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Hey it stops Raindance and Slowking! That makes it semi
playable, as a bench sitter.
Modified: 4/5
Overrated? Overhyped? Possibly. This card is entirely
metagame dependent. If there are alot of powers running
around, then it'll kill the metagame. If not, then it's
not very useful at all. Once it gets setting counters
down on fully evolved Pokemon (evolving removes them),
there no stopping this card other than with Tropius,
which is too specific to work as a tech in most decks
right now. We don't know what the metagame will be like
when the big tourneys roll around so this is just a
tentative rating.
Limited: 4/5
3 for 80 is awesome in Limited. Get it out and its gg.
Stage 2 so it might be a little hard getting it out but
still, its a beast.