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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Meganium δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3
Limited: 1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Meganium d:
A great power, especially in combination with Meganium
ex, Evolutionary Call
will allow you to grab Holon's Castform and other useful
Pokemon. This combo is especially strong when you play
cards like Steelix ex with Meganium
Meganium d:
Delta Reduction is strong against decks like Delta (Raichu
d/Exeggutor d) and Mewtric, which will struggle to 3 hit
KO Meganium.
Modified: 3.5/5
A slow Stage 2. Nothing too special. The power's decent,
but hundreds of better ones exist.
Do not be fooled by other people's ratings. Stage2's are
very weak in limited, end of story. It is too difficult
to get them out, simply because you will rarely have
enough basics and stage one's for it. That, and you have
few supporters to use.

Hung |
Meganium Delta from
Dragon Frontiers
Modified 2/5 - I think it looks good on the surface,
grabbing 3 Pokemon of your choice. However, you look at
the difficulty of getting stage 2's into play, and it
should be apparent that this card is below average.
Decks that revolves around getting multiple copies of
evolution Pokemon into play simply have consistency
problems once your first Bellossom or the old Fire
Red/Leaf Green gets KO'd. Fun for casual play, but
probably not good enough for competitive play.
Espeon |
Meganium d
Unlimited: 1/5
Pokemon that give card advantage are useless here
because trainers do it much better.
Modified: 3/5
The ability to grab 3 Pokemon is good, but mid to late
game, it isnt needed to grab 3 at once and the power
isn't that useful. Meganium's power is good at the
beginning of the game, for a fast setup. It's attacks
are subpar and its certainly no Pidgeot, but the power
could still make it an interesting play in the new
Limited: 5/5
110 hp non-ex, enough damage to cause problems and a
power that gives crazy card advantage in Limited. If you
pull the line, play it.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Meganium d DF
Meganium d is one of the better cards to come out of DF.
Fighting type is always good, weakness to water is
useful, and 110 HP isn’t bad for a non-ex. This Pokemon
is a nice TecH in the Meganium/Steelix deck. It’s power
allows you to search your deck for any 3 Pokemon and put
them in your hand, when you evolve it. Usually, you grab
a Chikarita, Meganium ex, and Steelix ex, or a Nidoran
d, Nidoqueen d, and Steelix ex. Bench the Chikarita/Nidoran,
Candy to Meganium ex/Nidoqueen d, evolve to Steelix, and
start setting up to overwhelm your opponent with your
high damage EXs. Meganium’s attacks are quite good as
well. Delta reduction makes your Delta (Raichu/Eggs)
match MUCH easier, OHKOing Raichu and reducing 30
damage. They’re going to have a tough time dealing with
it when they’re only doing 20-30 a turn with Eggs. The
second attack is also great against things like Umbreon
ex, Jolteon ex, and Manetric ex. Quite a useful card.
Unlimited: 3/5
Not bad actually. Delta Reduction KOs babies and Sneasel
for just a DRE. The Power is obviously quite useful.
Average card.
Modified: 3/5
Pretty average here too. Amazing TecH in Meganium/Steelix,
but not that great on it’s own. Maybe there will be a
broken combo with it eventually, but I don’t see
anything yet.
Limited: 4/5
The power is sick in this format. Getting one, let alone
THREE of any Pokemon from your deck is game breaking.
Delta Reduction is also amazing against all of the low
damage basics. Meganium vs Dewgong is pretty funny too.
0 damage vs 0 damage war!