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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kingdra ex δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3.66
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Kingdra ex d:
With two Kingdra ex d in play, you will finally have a
Stage2 that isn't a OHKO target for Latios*. Regardless,
putting 10 damage on it will not be difficult.
While it's body is quite strong, Kingdra ex d's attacks are
decent, but fall
just short of making it an extremely strong card, meaning
you may be better off using it with another Stage2 ex.
However, multiple Stage2's only work together if they have
great synergy. (Such as Metagross d and Dragonite d.)
Kingdra ex d can be quite a pain to deal with, dealing 80
with no weakness, and lowering 10 to 30 damage (depending on
how many you have out. can wreck some decks, including the
popular Delta (Raichu d/Exeggutor d).
Modified: 4/5
A slow stage2 never works here.
Again, being a stage two is horrible in limited. While
getting it out and powered up should ensure a win against
any deck, getting it out with few or no supporters and
stage1's is very difficult.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Kingdra ex d
Another Stage 2 EX out of Dragon Frontiers. Kingdra ex d is
a pretty solid Pokemon. 140 HP, 1 Retreat, and Fighting type
is amazing. Lightning weakness is pretty bad, but he has an
attack that takes care of that. Its Poke-Body makes all
stage 2 EXs (including itself) take 10 less damage. This
Body is also stackable, so 3 Kingdras = 30 less damage. Not
bad! Energy Link isn’t an amazing attack, but it does have
the potential to knock out a Castform on the second turn.
Protective Swirl is a great attack. 80 for 3 is great by
itself, but you also get rid of your terrible lightning
weakness? Very nice! Very balanced card overall.
Unlimited: 1/5
Stage 2 EXs are terrible in Unlimited. Lass, Energy Removal,
and Super Energy Removal are just to much to deal with.
Modified: 4/5
This deck should definitely see some play at cities. I like
to combine it with Xatu d from DF and the Holon Engine.
Protective Swirl for 100 damage starts to get pretty darn
Limited: 4/5
If you get it out, it should win the game. Any stage 2 in
draft is amazing when it actually gets out.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Kingdra ex Delta from Dragon Frontiers
Modified 3/5 - I think it has a lot of potential as a swarm
deck. You can negate your Weakness with its 2nd attack, you can
outlast your opponent's Pokemon with your Poke-Body, and 80
damage for 3 is decent enough. But don't get too excited -
because Cessation Crystals and other good non-ex Pokemon could
still be troublesome, not to mention its difficulty to get and
keep more than 2 of Kingdra ex delta in play.