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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
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Island Hermit
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.6
Modified: 2.7
Limited: 5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Island Hermit:
A new draw card is always nice, but this card looks inferior
to the Holon
Supporters, which also have the bonus of being accessible
and retrievable
through Holon Transceiver.
The prize-flipping bonus is nice if you can play it before
drawing a prize,
giving you the benefit of picking a useful prize (or
avoiding a not so
useful prize.)
Although not much weaker than other draw cards in modified,
better draw does
In unlimited, you will play few supporters. If you do,
Oracle, Rocket's
Admin., and Copycat are all much better.
Any draw is extremely powerful in limited. An extra card or
two will gives
you a game-winning advantage.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Island Hermit
Island Hermit is one of the new Supporters out of Dragon
Frontiers. It allows you to draw two cards, and then flip up
two prizes. Ehh, pretty mediocre. There is a lot better draw
out there, like Holon Adventurer, Mary’s Request, and TV
Unlimited: 1/5
Supporters aren’t very good in Unlimited. This one isn’t an
Modified: 2/5
Not bad, but not your best choice. Stick with the Holon
Engine, or Copycat/TVR/Mary.
Limited: 5/5
Draw is huge in Limited. Flipping over half of your prizes
isn’t bad either. Great card here.

2005 World
Champion |
Island Hermit
Not a very good draw card. There are better fish in the sea.
Most decks these days use the Holon Trainer Engine, which
means they use Holon Adventurer. I'd rather discard a
useless card from my hand to draw 3, then just draw 2 and
flip 2 Prize cards over, especially because Hermit can't be
fetched with Holon Transceiver. Seeing 2 Prize cards face up
won't make much of a difference, since sometime early in the
game you'll have looked through your deck after using a
Celio's Network or something, so you know what 6 cards
aren't there and are in your prizes. I guess seeing 2 of
your prizes face up might give you a small advantage, so you
know what to take after KOing a pokemon, but I don't like
revealing my cards to the opponent, giving them hints to
what my deck is and what cards I'm playing. I mean you're
probably going to play this card early game, not when you
only have 2 prizes left. So anyway the gist of what I'm
trying to say is the +1 card advantage that Mary's Request,
TV Reporter, and Holon Adventurer give you is better than
just flipping over 2 prizes.
Modified - 2/5
Unlimited - There are tons of better trainers out there,
like oak, cpu search, prof elm, copycat. 1/5
Limited - Omg you need all the draw you can get in this
drawless format. 5/5

Otaku |
Review is too long? Skip straight to the Ratings and
Name :
Island Hermit
Set :
EX Dragon Frontiers
Card# :
Rarity :
Type :
Effect Text:
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
Choose up to 2 of your Prize cards ad put them face up.
(These cards remain face up for the rest of the game.) Draw
2 cards.
Island Hermit
is a Trainer, specifically a Supporter. I am forgoing my normal
formatting because I am thinking it just isn’t that useful
here. Back to the card, Supporters are, of course, the backbone
of most Modified Trainer engines. So competition tends to be
pretty fierce. When it comes to draw power, most “straight
draw” Supporters are good for three cards. Island Hermit
is only good for two. However, seeing what two Prizes are is
far from useless. While most experienced players can tell what
is in their Prizes by checking their deck it doesn’t tell them
which Prize is which. When your last copy or only copy of
something important is “lost in your Prizes”, it can be really
frustrating: Island Hermit gives you a very nice solution
to this problem. Previous cards that did this had varying
drawbacks, either affecting all Prizes (that is both players),
or being slow (Pokémon dependant), etc. This only affects you,
and you still get to draw two cards. That’s one less than TV
Reporter, but without the discard.
I don’t
know about every deck, but I think I’ll be making room for a
copy or two of Island Hermit unless I find using them
drastically slows down my set up. Even if you have a single
copy and use it right away, it makes a one in six pick drop to a
one in four (assuming the desired card isn’t in one of the
revealed cards, a one in three chance). Obviously it’s great
when you’re down to two Prizes in a close game.
3/5 – If you can make room for it in your deck, its still not
uncommon to not use a Supporter during your turn in Unlimited:
we just have so many powerful normal Trainers. So the Supporter
aspect is much less important, and you still get to draw two
cards out of the deal.
3.5/5 – I like this card, and think that most decks would
benefit from working one copy in, though how much it would over
some other Supporter is the real question.
5/5 – It is draw power in Limited. You pull it, you run it.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Island Hermit
Modified 2/5 - It isn't a bad card. If your deck have a lot of
single copies of cards, such as Steelix ex and Latios*, then 3
Island Hermit could be a decent Trainer choice. Otherwise, there
are better Trainer options out there.

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Island Hermit from Dragon
I’m not sure why, but in the current Metagame, strait
draw cards seem to suck. “Flip for this”, “count cards
that” blah, blah, blah. But hermit is a great card! Sure
you only get to draw 2 cards, but look at you other
options. TV Reporter draw 3 discard 1…3-1=2. Bill’s
maintenance shuffle 1 draw 3…3-1=2. Hermit lets you flip
over 2 prize cards!!! Then draw 2 cards on top of that.
Because it has no restrictions or limitations, it can be
played in any deck, and at any point in the game. This
card is a Staple and must be put in every deck.
Combos: Believe it or not…Slowking from delta species
can make use of this supporter.
Modified: 4/5 For strait draw 2 cards is average, but
it’s effect is a gift and curse. If your opponent can
see what’s not in you deck, he can read your hand
better. Example, if there are a lot of basics in your
prizes, he might go on the offensive and bench you out
instead of playing it safe and allowing you to grab more
Limited: 5/5 any draw in this format helps, and with no
restrictions it is perfect.
Current ebay Value: $??? “Unown” (Plus or minus $?
~Muk Man~
P.S. Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com
treluv3@excite.com |