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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Legacy
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
A great card. Not only is this format filled with d Pokemon
Poke-Powers, but many d Pokemon can benefit from having no
weakness. Decks
like Delta can benefit highly from no weakness, while
crippling decks like Metanite.
Another great stadium to consider adding in Mewtric.
Few Pokemon d will be played in unlimited. Very weak card.
Definitely worth considering, depending on which weaknesses
you have. If
your delta Pokemon are weak to be a popular type, consider
running it. But
keep in mind you will give your opponent's delta Pokemon no
weakness, and
will not benefit from it if you run many types of Pokemon,
as you want to
attack weakness.

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Holon Legacy
A nice new Stadium from Dragon Frontiers. Sort of a mix
between Ancient Tomb and Battle Frontier, only for Delta
Pokemon though. Should be a nice fit in any Delta deck that
has a nasty weakness issue, and no Poke-powers. I’m looking
at Raichu/Eggs :-D.
Unlimited: 1/5
No Delta Pokemon here. No reason to play it.
Modified: 4/5
With tons of Delta decks running around, this card could
very well be the new Battle Frontier. Great against things
like Flygon d, Charizard d, Dragonite d, and Metagross d.
Expect to see a lot of it as time goes by.
Limited: 3/5
I guess it’s pretty big if you happen to run into a weakness
issue against your opponent, but obviously they’re going to
get the same benefit. Average card here.

2005 World
Champion |
Holon Legacy
Holon Legacy ain't that great. Most of the time you would
rather use Battle Frontier or Cursed Stone to hurt
Poke-Power decks. True your delta Pokemon don't have any
weakness when this is in play, but most players play
counterstadiums and/or Windstorms, so it's pretty useless as
an anti-weakness card.
Unlimited - Unless Neo Genesis Slowking gets renamed
Slowking d, or Base Gastly gets renamed Gastly d, there's no
reason to use this. 1/5
Modified - I see no reason to use this over Cursed Stone or
BF. 2/5
Limited - Could be pretty interesting. If you're only
drafting Dragon Frontiers, practically all the Pokemon in
the set are deltas, so no Pokemon will have weakness nor be
able to use powers, unless your opponent's lucky enough to
have a counter for it. 4/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Holon Legacy
Modified 2/5 - It's very hard to keep your stadium in play,
thanks to Windstorm. It doesn't matter if you have Golduck
delta. But every deck needs stadiums, so if your deck is Weak to
a popular type (let's say Psychic), and you don't sacrifice your
advantage to your opponent's Weaknesses (e.g. Fire), then this
is a decent choice.
If not, then consider other Holon stadiums, such as Holon Ruins
or Holon Lake.

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of
The Day is…Holon Legacy from
Dragon Frontiers
In a Metagame that is
sure to be ruled by Delta Species this is a card that
can hurt and help you and your opponent. First, being
able to rid yourself of a weakness in an unfavorable
match up. Second, by shutting down poke powers on delta
species. The best part is, it works on EXs as well.
Cards like Kingdra EX, who has a body and is there for
support, won't have to fear the active position.
Raieggs will love this card. But The best combo for it…
“This is my Secret”
Make all pokemon Delta species, then shut down their
powers and rid yourself of weakness. Then smack them
with a strong attacker, Exploud ex with no weakness!!!
Situational card, you might need to keep your opponent
to keep his weakness.
The whole set is delta species so you might need your
powers, plus you don’t want to make your opponent
stronger. Use with caution.
$??? “Unown”
(Plus or
minus $? dollars)
~Muk Man~
Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!
For questions
or comments, send an email to
Espeon |
Holon Legacy:
Unlimited: 1/5
Delta might as well not exist in this format because
there barely is a delta worth playing here.
Modified: 3/5
Uh oh. It's almost the new Battle Frontier. Almost. When
Frontier came out, there was a little card called
Pidgeot running rampant in most decks that Frontier shut
off. Most decks in the new format seem like they will be
running delta but not many seem to be running powers. It
stops a few decks like Metanite, Mercury and Gardevoir
ex but it would HELP most other delta decks, by removing
their weakness. This card is entirely metagame dependent
and unlike Battle Frontier, can't be used as an empty
stadium just to get rid of opponent's stadiums in some
situations, because it would help certain decks by
getting rid of their weakness.
People thought this card would make a huge splash on the
metagame, but Battle Frontier still reigns as the best
disruption stadium to hit the game so far.
Limited: 3.5/5
There are barely any powers in this format but getting
rid of weakness could be good in certain situations.

Otaku |
If the review is too long, skip straight to the
Ratings and Summary!
Name :
Holon Legacy
Set :
EX Dragon Frontiers
Card# :
Rarity :
Type :
Effect Text:
This card stays in play when you play it.
Discard this card if another Stadium card comes
into play. If another card with the same name
is in play, you can’t play this card.
Each Pokémon in play that has δ on its card
(both yours and your opponent’s) has no Weakness
and can’t use Poké-Powers.
Again, I will forgo my normal formatting since it
doesn’t really help much with this card.
Holon Legacy
is the new Stadium in EX Dragon Frontiers. What
makes it so interesting is that it can both help and
harm a Pokémon δ: if they have no Poké-Power, its
pure benefit, but if they have a Poké-Power, it will
probably cripple a deck.
So, if you are facing a lot of Pokémon δ focused
decks with Poké-Powers (which generally are the ones
that see play), then this is a great counter. Some
will find it better than Battle Frontier
because they want to use Poké-Powers on their own
Darkness, Metal, and/or Colorless-Type Pokémon, or
find Cessation Crystal cumbersome.
It may sound odd, but even some Pokémon δ decks will
want to consider it: there are plenty of end-stage
Pokémon that don’t have a Poké-Power and are worth
using (or just have one Poké-Power to use when
setting up). For these decks, it is quite logical
that getting rid of their Weakness will strengthen
the deck. Raichu δ/Exeggutor δ or
whatever it might become after this latest set would
be a prime candidate: sure, there was some type
matching with Exeggutor δ going on, but the
deck works by punishing Poké-Powers and this will
just strengthen the match up when Weakness isn’t a
factor. Another thought is an “anti-Poké-Power”
deck built around Ampharos δ, Golduck δ,
and Holon Legacy. No, I didn’t think of this
on my own: this CotD was late so I saw Muk Man’s
idea and fleshed it out by one whole card. ;)
Of course, it won’t mean much in Unlimited (Pokémon
δ don’t see much play there) and is great in Limited
but requires careful play (15 Poké-Powers it can
shut down in the set, and only four Pokémon aren’t
Pokémon δ).
Unlimited :
Modified :
Limited :