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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: -
Modified: 2
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Made for combination with Solrock DX and Solrock LM,
Lunatone DX can be a quick, consistent basis for a deck.
Decks that relied on Pidgeot RG were shut down by the
combination of Lunatone DX and Solrock LM.
Unfortunately, Pidgeot RG has rotated, and the most
popular Poke-Powers are no longer colorless Pokemon, but
a variety of types this combination does not shut down.
As a result, Lunatone DX has become a much weaker card,
that will be overpowered by almost countless playable
evolutions in the current modified format.
Foresight can be one of the best attacks in the game
when combined with a skilled player, and the two-energy
cost of Target Beam allows for a quick Holon Mentor for
a turn two fifty (or even sixty.)
While it's DX Solrock partner's HP boost is always nice,
Solrock LM has become almost useless, and as a result,
Lunatone is not nearly as strong as it was before.
Modified: 3/5
A basic that can two fast damage for two energy already
exists. It's called
Sneasel, and it has no weakness, retreats for free, and
a mediocre one energy attack as well. The difference is:
Sneasel works with any benched Pokemon, Lunatone
requires Solrocks. Considering we have so many ways to
provide dark energy now, stick with Sneasel.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Depends entirely on whether or not you are able to draft
Solrocks. A 60 HP basic that comes from the same set as
the Solrock that gives it 80 HP is great Foresight can
help you get what you need. Unfortunately, getting
multiple Solrocks (and then drawing into them) is very
Fortunately, two energy for 20 is what most basics in
limited end up doing anyway, so consider playing it even
with 1 Solrock.
Limited: 3.5/5

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Lunatone
from Deoxys
This is the
Key Card in the 11-14 World Champion’s Deck. Lunatone is
a Basic who can hit a foe for solid 50-60 damage, for
only two energy. His first attack is Poke-Nav +2, but
you can use it for either player. Use it to disrupt you
opponent, while you set up. You can keep him from
grabbing another basic, evolution, energy or trainer,
while you set up his lone basic for a KO with Target
Beam. Alone he doesn’t do much, but in the right deck,
(AND WITH A LOT OF LUCK IMHO) he can win you worlds.
Lunatone (LM) and along with both versions of Solrock.
new pokemon having higher HP, and the loss of pokemon
retriever, he is just not as powerful.
Foresight can ruin you opponent, and help you set up.
Add the fact that he is uncommon, running him and
Solrock, his very possible
(Plus or minus
$1 dollars)
~Muk Man~
Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O.
On My Way
to Lusby MD, for The City Championships, See you there!
For questions
or comments, send an email to

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Lunatone - Deoxys
The Deoxys Lunatone is the main attacker in the "LunaSol"
deck (I refuse to call it Suns and Moons). Fighting type
is always great, and a weakness to water is irrelivent.
60 HP looks bad at first, but there are a lot of cards
that give it a nice boost. Solrock from DX gives it 20
more HP, and Energy Root gives it 20 more, making it a
strong 100 HP basic. Lunatone works great with the Holon
Engine, seeing as its damage comes from having Solrocks
on your bench (something easily mentored for). Lunasol
was one of the few decks that gave Mewtric trouble last
season, and could definately beat any deck with the
right draw. A turn 2 60 from a 100 HP basic is
definately solid.
Unlimited: 1/5
No reason to play it here; there are much better cards.
Modified: 3/5
It was a lot better last season. A lot more things were
weak to fighting, and Pidgeot was a staple in many decks
(Pidgeot was shut down by Solrocks Poke-Body when
Lunatone was in play). Lunasol lost a lot of its good
matchups, and gained a LOT of bad ones (Flygon ex d FTW!).
Still though, Lunatone is decently solid.
Limited: 2/5
Foresight is actually pretty good here. Don't expect to
draft too many Mentors and Solrocks though.

Hung |
My reviews and ratings are for Modified only.
Lunatone DX
Modified 3/5 - I think this card have a very decent
chance of winning combined with Solrock, but it probably
isn't extremely dominating at the competitive level. I
have to factor in some key cards that are not accessible
for the new Modified format, such as Rocket's Admin and
Pokemon Retreiver.