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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ludicolo δ
EX Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.5
Modified: 4
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Kevin89 |
Ludicolo CG
Decent amount of HP, and pretty good attacks. But
probably not good enough for this format, and weakness
to rocket's zapdos and electabuzz is sad :(
Actually a pretty good attacker in my opinion, and he's
amazing when your opponent has an pokemon-ex in play,
doing 90 for only 3 energy is simply amazing. You can
also easily put this in Ludicargo to have more chance
versus any deck with pokemon ex. It also gives you some
better chances vs metanite and scizor ex, which might
become popular this season. The ability to knock off is
also a big plus.
It's pretty hard to get a stage 2 like this in play, but
if you get ludicolo out you can knock off all you want,
which is pretty powerful in limited since you might
reduce their hand to 0 and then you 'force'
them to play the card they draw. Knock off is incredibly
good in this format, but it's a shame that it's hard to
get ludicolo out.
Raichu88 |
My name is Ludicolo
Ex’s think I’m ridiculous
I do 30 more damage
With my Overzealous
Unlimited: No… I think we got better ways to deal with
Ex Pokemon. Besides that weak to lightning makes it a
snack for Zapdos Ex and his little friends.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Well, it’s a bit playable you could put it in
LudiCargo to counter Ex’s and Metagross DS. Not to good
on it’s own, it really needs a deck that can co-operate
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Nice card here as there are many Ex’s in the
set and Knock Off is a cheap attack with a destructive
side effect ;-)
Rating : 3/5