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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Crystal Guardian
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.75
Modified: 3.8
Limited: 2.41
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Modified: 4/5 - This card stops both Cessation Crystal and
stadiums, and if there isn't a Stadium for your deck that
increases your winning percentages significantly (i.e. Crystal
Beach with Hariyama ex), then Windstorm should fill up your
former stadium slots.
Before Windstorm, you'll probably run 4 stadiums that will at
least hinder your opponent anyway. So now, you run 3-4 of these
to both disrupt your opponent's gameplan, such as thier attempt
in shutting down your Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies, so you can
dominate them.
Windstorm isn't the right card for every deck, but it is
probably beneficial to include 2-3 in various decks that doesn't
take advantage of Cessation Crystal.

Kevin89 |
k, I have to make this a quick one guys,
Unlimited: 3/5
A good way to remove focus bands from jumpluff/baby
pokemon and gold berry from any big pokemon. you might
find cessation crystal here too soon so windstorm could
be decent in this format.
An extra counter stadium and THE card that saves decks
that heavily rely on poke-powers (or bodies). it also
removes energy roots etc which is pretty useful.
Windstorm is a must when your deck is based on
poke-powers/bodies. too bad it cant remove normal
trainer cards from play :( (fossils)
I dont think cessation crystal will give you that much
trouble here, nor do any of the other tools. discarding
stadiums that bother you(holon circle for example) is
always good.
Raichu88 |
My name is Windstorm
You’re all a bunch of fools
Cause I discard Stadiums
But I also discard Tools
Unlimited: Mmh nice cause you can discard Focus Band.
Wich is a overplayed card in unlimited. Also can it
discard Cessation Crystal Wich could have an impact on
Rating : 2.5/5
Modified: Nice card there are so many annoying Tool
cards here that you
Really need this thing in your deck, I’m not saying in
every deck but this thing can Make a different. Tools
like Cessation Crystal and Stadiums like Battle Frontier
are around
This thing will get rid of it for you. ;-)
Rating : 3/5
Limited: Always nice too have extra Trainers here and in
the set are a lot of Tools that can be annoying.
Rating : 2/5

Muk Man |
Today’s Card Of The Day is…Windstorm from Crystal
Talk about a Staple Card. The introduction of windstorm
opens up new options to an already diverse meta-game.
Windstorm discards up to 2 trainer cards in play, yours
or your opponents. With the threat of cessation crystal,
windstorm is now a must in every deck. Add to the fact
you can now discard stadiums. The ability to lock you
opponent with a stadium is now a lot harder than it was
before. Even the ability to discard your own tools or
stadiums is great option
Combos: Everyone!!! But Slowking can now discard tools
faster to do more damage. Attach 2 useless tools(Orbs,
crystal shards) windstorm them away and then attach
strength charm.
Modified: 4/5 Situational card, the question is not “IF”
you will use it, but “When” cause you will play this
card every game.
Limited: 3/5 This set is very heavy on Powers and
Bodies. A Cessation Crystal will hurt you so its good to
have 1 of these.
Current ebay Value: $1.50 (plus or minus $.50 cent)
~Muk Man~
For questions or comments, send an email to
DarkJake |
I'm not dead. Windstorm is a card that is a dependent
variable. There are some decks that don't have any
particular stadium that they benefit from (without also
helping their opponent), so Windstorm is a fine weapon
to arm for combat in the Stadium War, doubling up as a
Tool killer. Windstorm is a dependent variable, because
the above mentioned decks are slim to none, there is
usually at least one stadium that any deck can have
benefit while giving your opponent none, or even harming
them. Windstorm's useful lies in its ability to knock
out Cease Crystal. Although , to be sure, if it wasn't
for its ability to also known out stadiums, this card
would never have seen any play. Now, two a time means a
stadium and a tool gone (or two tool if you wish). Once
again, if Cease Crystal does not become big (even though
it is expected to), then neither will this card.
Unlimited: I guess you could knock out some Focus Bands…
Modified: Again, if Cease Crystal becomes big, so will
this card, otherwise this card is at best better than
average. I will leave the score (for now) at 3/5
Limited: Not that great. There are some stadiums,
although only few have a negative effect, and you're
also assuming your opponent has them and plays them.
Does have its uses, however. 2.5/5
Kempley05 |
Windstorm - Crystal Guardians
With the expected success of Cessation Crystal, reviewed
last week, this has become a staple in many decks
reliant on powers and bodies. I have to say I’m a
particular fan, there are many uses beyond discarding
Cessation crystal. Tools like Energy root or protective
orb can also be removed in one play, and crucially its
discards the stadium should you want it to, or if your
lucky, a stadium and a tool.
This is in my opinion a very nice, flexible and more
importantly multi purpose card, in a lot of my non T2
disruption decks, I’m tending to cut stadiums for a few
of these.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 3.5/5 – this is perhaps a little harsh, but
about right from what I’ve been seeing. If you compare
it to your playing a counter gym, its inferior as it has
no positive effects on you. It may get positive effects,
with the presence of good tools like Cessation crystal –
but all this is Metagame dependant.
Limited 2/5 not many stadiums here, but useful to get
rid of Holon circle.

The Red Rose |
Hello this is my
first card of the week so bare with me please
My first card of the day is windstorm from the crystal
guardians set
Ulimited: I can see this card doing some nice damage in
unlimited cause there are some really good tool cards
and stadium cards........being able to destroy both a
tool and a stadium is a great ability to be in
possession of the only real drawback is if your opponent
doesn't really use pokemon tools or trainers. 4/5
Modified: I am becoming more and more familiar with
modified format and I can see this card having much more
potential in this format there are alot of amazing
stadiums and tools such as sitrus berries, Battle
Frontier, and the holon stadiums... and nine times out
of ten you will be able to use this card alot more in
the modified format 5/5
Limited: in my oppinion this card is kind of meh in this
format still a good card but you can probably put
something more efficent in instead 3/5
overall a very good card with lots of potential in our
new meta.......
if anyone wants to drop me a line or just chat you can
reach me at
Later days
The Red Rose
I tried to go on like
I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all I'm going to be is
The Red Rose....Entering The Battlefield
Computer Guy |
Windstorm from Ex
Crystal Guardians,
Windstorm is the new power trainer. It needs to be in
every deck. How many is up to you, however I would tech
in at least two in every deck. Its the counter for
stadiums that hurt you're deck and for Cessation
Where was this card when Dragtrode was still around?
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4.9/5
Limited: 3/5