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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Crystal Guardians
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3.37
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Modified 3/5 - I think this is a good Supporter to run if you
run Cessation Crystal. Since there isn't many options to mess up
your hand (besides Vaporeon ex), this card should do its job
against a majority of decks.
However, I think 2-3 would suffice. I really haven't had a
chance to do serious playtesting with this card yet, and I will
discuss some of the results once I'm done - hopefully before the
end of this month.
Computer Guy |
Castaway from Ex Crystal Guardians.
If you play a lot of Pokemon Tools in a deck with basic
energies then Castaway is a must have in the deck. A
good deck for Castaway is the Kingler/Mawile deck.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Kempley05 |
Castaway - Crystal Guardians
In my opinion, this card is highly underrated. The
ability to know that in one card you could search for a
cessation crystal or other tool, and energy and another
supporter for next turn is pretty decent. It’s a very
nice get out of jail card in tricky situations. So far,
the only deck that it works realy well in though is
Lunarock, where it can allow you the option to search
for those crucial late game energies, roots or mentors
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 2.5/5 I personally like the cards technical
attributes, however, theres a very small number of decks
that are tool heavy, play basic energy, and have key
supporter other than Lunarock. Decent, but try and make
sure that your using this card to its full potential.
Limited 3.5/5 any selective search and deck manipulation
is good here, even if it’s just to search for an energy.

The Red Rose |
Hello again closing
out this weeks reviews is the supporter card
Unlimited: This is a good card being able to search for
a supporter a poketool and a basic energy is a damn good
thing using this card can possibly get you out of a
really tough situation.3/5
Modified: Alot of good supporters in this format and
some pretty damn good poketools to fetch and the
addition of a energy is just even better.....Scott is a
very similar card depending on the situation.....but
being able to search for three different cards is
potentially better. 4/5
Limited: Very good a supporter that gets you supporters
poketools and energies....4/5I tried to go
on like I never knew you
I'm awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
but without you all I'm going to be is
The Red Rose....Entering The Battlefield
~Espeon |
Trainer [Supporter]
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
Search your deck for a Supporter card, a Pokémon Tool
card, and a basic Energy card. Show them to your
opponent, and put them into your hand.
Shuffle your deck afterward.
Unlimited: 1/5
There are better trainers to play. Supporters are rarely
worth the effort.
Modified: 3.5/5
It's kind of like Scott, but if won't come in useful as
much as Scott is in
most decks. Scott can be used as an instant counter to a
troublesome stadium that your opponent might have just
played, while Castaway can't. It can grab an energy but
Holon Lass does that much, much better. The biggest use
for it would be to grab Cessation Crystal for certain
decks. Decks such as Raieggs
and Kingler d variants could definitely use something
that can pull the CC
from their decks, and this card does make Cessation
Crystal decks alot
faster and deadlier.
Limited: 5/5
It grabs 3 cards, including an energy, and thins your
deck. If you pull
these in a draft, play them.