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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Feraligatr δ
EX Dragon Frontier Pre-Release
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 3.4
Limited: 4.35
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
are ratings are for Modified only.
Feraligatr d
Modified 3/5 - This card's Poke-Body is very promising,
because it is culmulative. Also, Drag Off is a good
attack combined with its Poke-Body, because you can
establish your Feraligatr d swarm, then keep up the
intense pressure by KO'ing your opponent's Basics on the
Bench. I think it needs a new system to establish an
army though - such as going with Fearow d and Chimecho
d, along with Holon trainers. Try it out and have some

Computer Guy |
Today's COTD is an early review of Feraligatr from Ex
Dragon Frontier. This is an early review because it's
even before the Prerelease.
Feraligatr is a lightning type Delta pokemon with 120HP,
with two retreat cost, and a weakness to lightning.
His Poke-Body says all of your Delta pokemon in play do
10 more damage to the defending pokemon. I believe that
is the same Poke-Body as the Gyrados had in Holon
Phantoms. It is a very nice Poke-Body.
Its first attack is the Drag Off attack which does 20
damage to the defending pokemon or you can bring up a
benched pokemon and do the damage to the new pokemon
instead. Either way its going to do 30 damage because of
the Poke-Body.
Its second attack does 60 but actually does 70 with
Battle Aura.
Actually I can see a potential deck put together with
this Feraligatr and the d Gyrados from Holon Phantoms
because both of their Poke-Body's do the same thing
which is add damage that you do to the defending pokemon.
With every pokemon you have out either being Feraligatr
or Gyrados you could do a massive amount of damage. Just
think about it, for example, lets say Feraligatr was
your active pokemon and your bench was full with
Feraligatr and Gyrados. Feralgatr using his Sharp Fang
attack could do 120 damage.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 3.8/5
Limited: 4.7/5
~Espeon |
Feraligatr δ -
Lightning - HP120
Stage 2 - Evolves from Croconaw
Poke-Body: Battle Aura
Each of your Active Pokemon with "d" on its card does an
additional 10 damage to each Defending Pokemon.
[C][C] Drag Off: 20 damage. Before doing damage you may
switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with the
Defending Pokemon. (Your opponent chooses the Defending
Pokemon to switch.) If you do, the new Defending Pokemon
takes 20 damage.
[L][L][C] Sharp Fang: 60 damage.
Weakness: Lightning
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
First card from Dragon Frontiers!
Unlimited: 1/5
I don't think there are any δ pokemon good enough
for Unlimited. If you have to run a Feraligatr, then run
the Riptide one, as there isn't really any δ
pokemon that can properly take advantage of 10 extra
Modified: 3/5
The attacks are standard but if this Pokemon sees play,
it will be because of the body. The body is stackable,
so having 2 Feraligatrs on the bench means 20 and 4
means 40. Unfortunately, realistically, 2 Feraligatrs is
what will be on the bench in a given game, which is + 20
damage. Is 20 damage worth running a full Stage 2 line?
We'll have to wait and see what comes up.
Limited: 4/5
It's a stage 2 with standard attacks. If you get it out
evolved and hitting for 70 a turn, it should be gg.