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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Snorlax δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.6
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
reviews and ratings are usually for Modified only.
Snorlax from Dragon Frontiers
Modified 1/5 - It is a very weak "wall" and you'll be giving up
an easy prize card.
Limited 4/5 - Although damage from its Poke-Body Bedheads, in
Sealed/Prerelease it is much more viable, especially if you know
your deck have superior attackers that needs to be developed on
the Bench. Not so good late game, but from early to middle game,
it is great.

Computer Guy |
The third card from Ex Dragon Frontier which is Snorlax
Wow, no attacks but a Poke-Power and a Poke-Body. The
Body and Power complement each other and could be a very
fun card to play. This baby is going to be awesome at
the Prerelease's. Anyone that is lucky enough to pull
this card at a Prerelease just has to play it. It's just
to tempting not to play.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 5/5 If I could score this card any higher in
Limited I would. Amazing.
DarkJake |
Snorlax δ
DoZZzing in the fields. Let's get the usual stats out of
the way: The HP is pretty low for a Snorlax, the retreat
cost is huge. He is a basic Pokémon so he can easily be
gotten out via Mentor, [Dual/Great]Ball, or just by
starting with him. Although the usual stats aren't too
promising, there is something very interesting about
him. Snorlax doesn't require any energy to 'attack'.
Although Snorlax doesn't actually have any attacks, he
has a body and a power that function very similarly to
attacks. The biggest problem is the ultimately low HP
and the even lower damage output, max it could do is 40
damage (4 counters) between 1 turn. This is assuming it
keeps on getting tails, of course, this just doesn't cut
Unlimited: He will eternally stay fallow in the discard
pile. 1/5
Modified: MUCH better choices exist. 1/5
Limited: I suppose the high HP for a basic and the
ability to self heal will transform it into a winner.
Espeon |
Snorlax d - Grass -
Poke-Body: Toss and Turn
At the beginning of each player's turn, if Snorlax is
Asleep, put 2 damage counters on
1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon.
Poke-Power: Doze
Once during your turn, if Snorlax is your Active Pokemon,
you may use this Power.
Remove 2 damage counters from Snorlax. If you do,
Snorlax is now Asleep.
This Power
can't be used if Snorlax is affected by a Special
Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3
Unlimited: 3/5
It could be used as a tank here to hit for 20-40 a turn
while waiting to charge something on the bench.
Averaging 30 a turn isn't alot though and having only 80
hp wont keep it alive that long but it could still
somehow be useful. The idea of having a first turn 20
damage while charging energy onto a bench Pokemon does
seem interesting though.
Modified: 1.5/5
Doesn't seem like it will do much here. Most Pokemon in
this format hit too hard for the Poke-Power to do
anything and 20-40 damage just won't cut it, even if it
is for 0 energy. Starters are actually needed to set up
in this format, so it's not that great to start with
this card either.
Limited: 5/5
Doesn't take energy and does 20-40 a turn. Healing 20
every turn is crazy in this format. This card was made
for draft.