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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Latias ex δ
EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3.6
Limited: 3.8
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Latias ex from Dragon Frontiers
Modified 4.5/5 - Great card, great Poke-Power. You could use
Poke-Power Fellow Boost to charge up Latios delta (the one that
does 80 damage, for 1 Lightning, 1 Metal, and 1 Colorless), and
follow that up with a Holon's Castform for a 2nd turn 80. You
could also "Tech" in 1 Latios delta that stops Poke-Bodies from
Evolved Pokemon.
Limited 4/5 - Discarding 2 Energies is a significant cost, and
in mid to late game, you probably don't have time to Fellow
Boost. Nevertheless, it is a good card that if you get it,
you'll try to build your deck with this Pokemon and others.
Toon Master |
Today’s Card of the
Day is a very interesting card that could be seeing some
play in the modified format. Of course I am talking
about no other than Latias ex Delta from the new EX:
Dragon Frontiers set which will be released in early
Latias ex d - Fire - HP100
Poke-Power: Fellow Boost
Once during your turn you may use this Power. Using this
Power ends your turn. Attach
a Basic Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Latias,
Latios, Latias ex, or Latios
ex in play. This Power can't be used if Latias ex is
affected by a Special Condition.
[R][R][C] Power Crush: 90 damage. If the Defending
Pokemon's HP is reduced to 0 by
this attack, discard 2 Fire Energy attached to Latias
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
Well, at first sight this card may not seem like that
big of a threat, but of course nothing is that obvious
in Pokemon! 100 HP for a basic Pokemon-ex is about
average. Its poke-power can be quite helpful early game
but will most likely fail to do much late game when your
opponent is setup, UNLESS you protect yourself! Thank
god fossils and Holon Circles were made! An interesting
combo with this card is to use Fellow Boost and hide
behind a fossil or Holon Circle so you don’t get hurt
during the next turn! Let’s not forget about Latias ex’s
attack. 90 damage for 2 fire and a colorless is pretty
much off da chain, but of course the drawback is that if
you happen to knock out the defending Pokemon with the
attack then you lose 2 energies. Of course that is where
Latias’s power becomes extremely useful cause losing 2
energy is never a pretty sight, BUT in one turn you can
attach all the energy back and next turn attack again.
Psychic weakness could hurt a lot cause we all know that
Banette is quite popular. Two Retreat isn’t that awesome
either, BUT luckily we have a bunch of other Latios ex
and the other Latis that will come to your rescue. And
THAT ladies and gentlemen is what makes this much more
than a mediocre card. Hey! If Lunasol worked so well why
can’t Latias/ex/Latios/ex work! I think that combined
with the Lati@as’ from Holon Phantoms and Latios ex d
could become a very ferocious deck.
Now time for what y’all are all going to jump to see
anyway . . . The ratings!
Unlimited 1/5
Aside from Plume ex there aren’t any real exs that
succeed. This card won’t impact unlimited at all. I
guess if you really wanted to make a beatdown deck with
this guy you could, but not worth the time.
Modified 3.5/5
MUCH better here. With the Holon Phantom Lati family you
can shut down all those annoying poke-bodies AND this
card proves to be an outstanding attacker and of course
the speed of the whole Lati family is OFF DA CHAIN cause
ALL of em can be searched with Holon Mentor. Expect to
see a deck that ATTEMPTS to abuse the Latis. Only time
will tell though. I would give this a 4, BUT the
metagame is so diverse right now that it is VERY hard to
tell what will become good next format.
Limited 3/5
Not bad here, but not outstanding. 100 HP will usually
last a lot longer in limited, BUT it is an ex AND 2
energy is gonna hurt BUT once again it’s not that bad of
a pick if you are running a pretty good amount of fire

Computer Guy |
4th card from Ex Dragon Frontier, Typhlosion.
This is a very nice looking card. Stage 2, 100HP,
psychic type, weakness to water, and one retreat cost.
Shady Move is the same Power on Banette ex. Banette's a
better choice because it's way easier to get it out.
Burning Ball is a decent attack that gets a boost with
some fire energies.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 4/5
Kempley05 |
Latias ex d
Probably one of my favourite cards in Dragon Frontiers.
To me this card has great potential to for a straight
Latias/Latios deck - T1 attach energy, use Latas ex's
power to attach another, turn 2 you can hit for 90
damage or generally use a variety of attacks. Strategies
that over run and disrupt your opponents start in the
early stages of the game have a good great record over
the past couple of years. Possibly you could add in
cards like Latios/Latias from ds, and maybe Laitos/Latias
from hp to get rid of evolved bodies. This concept has
already seen success in Japan and I would expect it to
be used here.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 4/5 - This may be a little high but I do
suspect this will se some strong competitve play,
however the combos are somewhat limited.
Limited 4/5 - High HP and high damage Basics in Limited
are musts IMO
Espeon |
Latias ex d - Fire -
Poke-Power: Fellow Boost
Once during your turn you may use this Power. Using this
Power ends your turn. Attach a Basic Energy card from
your hand to 1 of your Latias, Latios, Latias ex, or
Latios ex in play. This Power can't be used if Latias ex
is affected by a Special Condition.
[R][R][C] Power Crush: 90 damage. If the Defending
Pokemon's HP is reduced to 0 by this attack, discard 2
Fire Energy attached to Latias ex.
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
Unlimited: 1/5
Power is way too slow for unlimited and it will have to
discard 2 energy most of the time attacking Pokemon with
very low hp, also making it vulnerable to Energy
Modified: 4/5
The power is a pretty watered down version of Swampert
ex's power. The attack is well valued at 3 for 90 and
most of the time, it won't have to discard energy on the
first hit because most Pokemon played in this format
have over 90 hp. Comboed with Latios ex d, Latias can
retreat and let Latios do the finishing blow, without
discarding energy. 150 damage should ko almost anything.
It'll be interesting to see how far this deck can go.
Limited: 4/5
Big basic Pokemon. Even if its discarding 2 energy, it
can still grab a few prizes.